Chapter 7

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Scott was screaming his head off, and it made me want to choke the life out of him, but I was much too good a friend for that, so I decided to put his mind on other things, so I made up a story about his boss being the alpha and filled in some details to make him think about it. We walked around a bit, and then we looked out the window. I saw my beautiful baby, my jeep, and she was broken. I saw the battery come flying through the window, and I was never as livid as I was now, no one and I mean no one fucks with my jeep.

I pulled Scott to the locker room, it has the fewest windows and I can’t let that thing start throwing shit in windows, he might hurt Scott. I should have felt him, I really should have, and maybe if I had sensed the janitor that caught us I could have saved him, but the alpha got to him first, and like that I watched someone die, and I swore that I would get Scott out of this one way or another. I let the darkness in me come through and I threw the alpha into another room. I need to think quickly before Scott gets suspicious, so I make it look like I lured him there with the keys, and we lock him in. I know that it is useless because he can easily get out, but I still let him know that he isn’t in control here.

I sense them; I sense Allison, Jackson, and Lydia here at the school. I know then and there that God is real, and that he has a personal vendetta against me. Scott hears Allison’s phone and calls her using mine. He drags me along to meet her; the idiot thinks that he is the one protecting me, but I have no choice but to let him believe that. Obviously the thing heard us, and came to kill us, so I make everyone run, and we end up in the chemistry room. I’m trying to figure out what is going on, and my mind is racing at a million times its regular speed, and then it clicks. This thing doesn’t want to kill all of us, just those of us that are close to Scott, as it hadn’t actually attacked him. We decide that Scott will go and get the keys, I wanted to go, but I can’t explain how I’d be able to do it, so I use my ability to project thoughts into Lydia’s head, and I show her how to make a self-igniting Molotov cocktail. Jackson helps her prepare it, and Scott leaves.

Scott’s been gone for a while, and Lydia decides to bring up now of all times to Jackson that he may have given her the wrong chemicals. I could literally tear him apart right now, and his snarky ass attitude is only making me want to hurt him more. We heard a very loud howl, and I know that it isn’t Scott, and for a minute I think that I was wrong and this thing killed him, but then I sense him, but something is wrong, it is him, but not him. I feel him right outside the door, and I sense his intentions. He is going to kill every last one of us, and I can’t let that happen, I just can’t. Scott puts the key into the hole and begins to twist is open. I move my hand in small circles, causing the key-hole to freeze to the point that it constricts around the key and it snaps, and then I threw Scott, I just flicked my fingers nonchalantly to the others and he flew. I held him there with my mind, and I forced him to shift back, and then I heard the sirens.

We leave the school, and Scott lies to my dad about Derek, I don’t like him lying to my dad, but it was pretty ingenious for Scott, and it is easier that way, so I back his story up. Scott goes on a tirade about how we all could have been killed, but the alpha wanted Scott to kill his old pack for him. I am impressed that Scott was also able to figure that much out, because normally the kid is so slow that I sometimes think him joining the lacrosse team was a bad idea, you know head injuries can’t be good for someone in his state, but he is impressing me today. Just to add to my personal victories today, Allison broke up with Scott, I know it makes me an ass, but them being together isn’t good for me, and it is better this way. I think that I have deserved a break, and I want a good night sleep, but I probably won’t get one, so I settle for just going home with my dad and sitting in bed all night waiting for tomorrow.


I have established Stiles as having the ability to teleport, have telekinesis, he has the ability to put thoughts into someone's head and he has the abiltiy to change something's temperature. Do you think I should have more and if so what do you think they should be, or should I never use some of them again after this chapter, also what should those be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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