Chris motionless smut

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I sighed as the hot water hit my tense shoulders, already beginning to feel my muscles loosening up. The stress of work was really getting to me, and it was affecting my boyfriend Chris, too. I felt bad that I hadn't had as much time for him lately, but I was just so busy with work.

Sighing again, I turned and tilted my head back under the hot stream of water. I gasped when I lifted my head and opened my eyes, surprised to see Chris standing in the open doorway, arms crossed over his chest, watching me.

"Jesus, Chris. You nearly gave me a heart attack," I said, a little annoyed, as I reached for the shampoo. I shot him a slightly irritated glance before I turned my back to him and began lathering my hair. Yeah I felt bad about not having time for him, but he couldn't just walk in on my shower and scare me half to death.

My ears pricked up at the sound of the shower door opening and I turned my head to find a naked Chris stepping into the shower behind me. I decided to ignore him and turned my eyes back to the shower wall.

And yet I couldn't help but gasp when I felt his lips press against my shoulder blade. They moved slowly along my shoulder towards my neck. "Stressed, babe?" He mumbled against my skin, his hands slowly sliding around to my stomach.

I moaned a 'yes' in reply as Chris found my sweet spot and sucked and bit there slowly. I involuntarily leaned my head back to rest on Chris's shoulder when his hands slowly moved up to my breasts and began to massaged them slowly.

I hadn't even realized that my free hand had begun trailing down to my needy core, but Chris snatched my hand and roughly spun me around to face him. He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed each finger before looking me in the eyes.

"I'm in control tonight YN. You are not to touch me, you are not to touch yourself. Speak when spoken to. And don't let go until I tell you to. I have total control. Understand?"

I bit my lip and nodded quickly. Chris' hand that wasn't holding mine, swiftly reached up and pinched my nipple, hard.

"I said, do you understand?"

"Y-yes, Chris."

"Good." I saw him relax a little and he turned me back around to face the tiled wall. Remembering I couldn't touch either of us, I put both of my hands on the wall in front of me.

Chris ran both of his hands up my wet sides and I shivered as he brushed past the side of my breasts. He tangled his fingers in my hair, massaging and working in the shampoo. I let out a tiny moan. Who knew washing your hair could be sexy?

He tilted my head under the water and rinsed the suds from my hair. Next I heard him uncap the shower gel and squirt some onto his hands. I squirmed in wanton eagerness. A tiny squeak slipped from my lips as his hands finally met my skin.

Chris started with my arms, washing them slowly, while he kissed and sucked on my neck. He skipped my breasts and washed my stomach next, making me shiver every time he got close to the place I needed him most.

But to my dismay, he skipped that area as well, dropping down to his knees to wash my calves. I whined in protest and he slapped my ass once, leaving a stinging feeling.

I bit my lip to keep quiet as he moved torturously slowly up my legs and massaged my thighs, getting closer and closer, until his hands left my body.

Chris reattached his lips to my neck, biting down on my collarbone and placing his hands over my breasts. I arched my back, pushing myself against his hands, and bit my lip harder as he massaged and teased me.

"I think you're all clean now, hm?" Chris hummed into my ear as he bit and sucked on my earlobe. "What do you think?"

"I th-think you missed a spot," I replied breathlessly. I felt his lips stretch into a smirk and his hands left my breasts, trailing slowly lower and lower.

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