dear Maria count me in-Alex gaskarth smut

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You smiled to yourself as you wondered around the almost empty venue you're working in tonight. You had managed to complete all the tasks you needed to as All Time Low's merch girl - with almost an hour left to spare before the concert officially started. With a complete lack of anything to do until then you found yourself ambling pointlessly throughout the many rooms backstage. Knowing that most of the band and support acts had gone to explore whichever city you were in today and that the rest of the crew members, unlike you, still had a lot of work to do you figured there'd be no one to hang out with and sighed hopelessly. You werebored and in need of some serious entertainment, as soon as possible.

That's when you hear the familiar sound of a piano. Immediately, you smile. You automatically follow the sound, tracing it to one of the venue's many unused dressing rooms. Pausing for a while, you admire the beautiful, unfamiliar melody. You definitely had never heard it before. When you finally open the door you're somewhat shocked by the figure sitting on the stool, their calloused fingers brushing over the keys without effort; as if it is second nature to them.

"You okay, there?"

The voice snaps you out of the trance you'd slipped into while listening to the sounds coming from the mans skilled piano playing. You realise that you'd been staring at the man and manage to splutter out a reply, "Yeah, sorry, Alex. Just got a bit distracted by your playing. I didn't know you could play piano - you're good, like seriously, really good."

"Yeah, you think so?" He muses, furrowing his eyebrows slightly and turning to face you as you nod enthusiastically in response. You're not kidding, he is reallygood. "Thanks. It's kind of just for fun, more than anything, y'know? I've been putting some music to lyrics I've written for the album we're writing at the moment," he explains.

You raise your eyebrows, shocked. "You wrote what you were playing, just then?" you ask, intrigued. When he nods in response, biting his lip in what you'd come to know as a nervous reaction from him, you continue to question him, "That figures. I knew that I'd never heard it before, but I just didn't realise you could even play piano - never mind write music for it. Do you mind playing more for me?"

"Only if you'll join me," he smirks, his flirtatious nature beginning to show, "I think I'll be more inspired if I have a gorgeous muse." You giggle slightly at his flirting, but brush it off and join him on the stool. As you sit down you run your hands over the, albeit dusty, keys. It had been so long since you'd last played. Alex notices you admiring the piano and begins to speak, "Do you wanna help me play?"

You nod your head, because yes, you'd love to help him play. He nods and begins to show you some of the notes. Eventually you've learnt enough of his song for the two of you to play together, so you start to press down on the keys that make up the correct notes, perfectly in time with each other. After a while of just playing, Alex begins to sing. You don't recognise the lyrics, but smile anyway. You had always admired Alex's raw talent for writing poetically beautiful lyrics. So when he stops singing, you look at him, confused to as why he had stopped.

"I ran out of lyrics," he shrugs, "I haven't finished writing the lyrics yet."

You nod in response, choosing not to say anything as you reach the end of the song. When you do you turn to him and ask, "Which of your older songs do you think you could play for me?"

He shrugs again, "I guess I could do A Daydream Away, if you'd like that?"

Nodding at him, you tell him that you'd love that; it's one of your favorite All Time Low songs. He smiles at that and begins to play. As he does you take the opportunity to climb on top of the piano, so that you can watch him play properly. Looking up at you, he grins and begins to sing. You watch him intently, taking the chance to memorise the way his fingers run across the keys and the way he concentrates over the lyrics he's singing. Every so often your eyes meet each other's and you can't help but stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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