your perfect-oli Sykes

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I've been waiting months for this moment, and now that it was happening you couldn't believe it. You were front row to Bring Me The Horizon at Warped.

The excitement bubbled inside you as you impatiently wait for the music to start, signaling the start of the show. The people around you pushed and shoved, trying to take your spot, but you've learned to keep your own at a concert. It's the only time you feel thankful for being a few pounds heavier.

You turn you head to the side and see the massive crowd behind you, everyone waiting as impatiently as you, some even more. You hear a guy yell the bands name in the back, other people joining in. By the time it reached the front, nearly the whole crowd was chanting, hands in the air.

"B-M-T-H! B-M-T-H!"

You hear the beginning of Shadow Moses start, along with everyone else and completely go nuts, screaming your head off.

Lee and Matt make their way into stage first, followed by Jordan, then the other Matt who stands up on his seat to get a better look at the crowd. He throws his hands in the air, drum sticks in an X and the crowd gets even louder.

The moment Oli steps on stage is when all hell break loose, everyone shoving and pushing trying to get closer. He stands up tall and smiles at the crowd as the rest of the band starts the song.

"How are you doing tonight?! I want you all to sing along if you know the words, if you don't, fucking learn them!"

You scream out the words with every one else and feel yourself get lost in the music, jumping around and throwing your hands up.

Two songs later you find yourself on the edge of the mosh, watching everyone bounce off each other with their middle fingers up as Antivist blares through the speakers.

As you hit the chorus again, you feel the ecstasy of being here, the energy of the crowd and the band coursing through you, you shove your way into the pit.

For the most part you hold your own, getting an elbow occasionally, but nothing too serious. You're having the time of your life, every second being seeded into your brain to recall later.

All too soon you hear the music stop, Oli's voice thanking you all for coming out.

"One last thing before I go, huge shout out to the girl in the pit today. Don't think I didn't see you, you were sick in there. Way to hold your own, love. Hope to see you at the signing."

You stare up at him in awe, eyes connecting with his. You hang on to every word he says, it all feeling like a dream and any moment your going to wake up in your shitty apartment and head to your job.

He gives you a shy smile, green eyes shining before he walks off stage, turning back one more time to glance at you. You see him laugh as your gaze never left him.

The hardly notice the crowd start to dissipate as you stand there, unable to move, not wanting the moment to end. You watch the crew take down the back drop and decide to head out.

You walk around the tents, stopping occasionally to check out the merch and see if there's anything worth buying. You feel on top of the world, still reeling from what happened not even an hour ago. Oli Sykes, the Oliver Sykes, acknowledged your existence. You, a not so pretty, ordinary, nothing special fan. You laugh to yourself thinking about it.

You see I See Star's tent and make your way over, wanting to get a bracelet. You glance down to make sure your money is still in your pocket and smash into someone.

You stumble back a few feet, completely startled and try and catch your balance unsuccessfully. You hit the ground with a hard thud, your money flying out of your hand.

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