4: A gathering of gods

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 As more and more people- well, the word here isn't exist, as that makes little sense. These people have existed for years. But as more and more people come to light with a degree of importance in Aster's life, it can be tedious to remember them all. Conversations overlap, thoughts muddle about, and overall there's the question of who-knows-what.

Luckily, perhaps, two things happened the next day: Aster killed a man and the group was split up. Not necessarily in that order, of course.

They had woken up sore in the inn, as the bed was as uncomfortable as the floor, and Aster's stiff pants had left red creases on her skin from sleeping in them. Her and Wren's clothes had really begun to stink from the blood on them as well, making everyone quite happy to leave the room.

Wren and Aster were naturally quiet, so beyond a shy "Good morning" from Wren to Senya, they ate in silence.

It was only after the dish of eggs and bread was done that they focused on the tasks of the day. "How far away is Ae-en anyway?" Aster asked the table.

"Not more than two days." Senya said immediately.

"Have you been before?"

"To the base, yes. I know this region fairly well, so don't go looking to buy a map from any merchants- most are inaccurate."

"Do you have one of your own?" Wren asked with a yawn. He was not used to waking early in the morning.

"I could probably draw one, but it's not my real strength. More up your alley, right?" He gave a nervous laugh. Most of his bravado from when he was tied up yesterday was from the assume knowledge that he was doomed to death or incarceration.

"I never could wrap my head around geography class. Too many names."

"It's best to learn from experience, I guess. But I envy the fact you had schools."

"Hm?" Aster asked, intrigued by a comment left hanging. "What's education like in Iixo?"

"Every islands different, but only on the big ones like Yls and Rii are there any real educational standards. A lot of the smaller ones host more traditional societies."

"What was it for you?"

"I was from Sonla. It was a mix, really, of cultures. I went to school, but it wasn't the sort of rich kid history classes I'm sure you get in Baased. I was only really good at fishing."

"So that's what you bring to the table then." Aster said, in an attempt to be light hearted. "Wren has a sword, I can't be injured, and you are good at fishing. An unequal comparison, I believe."

Her try at humor completely missed Senya, as was the unfortunate condition of her voice. "I know this area very well. We will be at Ae-en within two days." He said, concerned to defend his worth.

Wren yawned again before speaking. "Let's go then. If I move, I'll wake."

It still took them a few minutes to gather everything together, but eventually they were ready to leave. The town of Roihan had been nothing more than a couple buildings on a small foothill of the mountains, and it was a three minute walk to leave town and head into the wilds.

Of course, from here everything seemed very wild- there were steep mountains all along the road, and few plants had taken to growing as they ascended along a winding path that might as well have been unmarked- no one had walked it in years. It was so desolate, in fact, that Aster worried Senya was leading them to a dead end, perhaps to end their lives- but of course, he was unarmed.

Wren had a sword now, but he lacked any training in it, and as they walked he swung it around wildly, trying to practice slicing. He seemed high in energy, certainly more energetic then Aster was used to, and keen to impress.

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