The boys escape from prison

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 Back on Daliis- as, it would later be learned, that was the planet's name, Senya was in jail. As dull as it may seem to leap back to a world that doesn't consist of trans-dimensional girls, the boys' story can't quite be ignored. Yet. Later, there will be a time when the boys can do very little of anything- but that, patiently, is not now.

The jail in Haven was a grotto system dug out of limestone, leading to more or less square cells. There weren't any doors or bars to keep people in, instead the cells were just deep pits. To get out, one had to be lifted by another.

Jailbreaks weren't really that hard to pull off. To keep them at a minimum, no visitors were allowed, and guards were everywhere.

Wren did not know what Senya was doing, and continued to worry him. Probably he was thinking of killing himself again, since the whole 'divine judgement' thing didn't work out, and that both concerned Wren and annoyed him. As much as he liked Senya- on the level of friendship/boyfriendship that they were at- having to deal with his sudden emotional issues was tiring.

He wasn't a bad person for faltering in his sudden role of caretaker. It's a job not many are cut out for. But what ultimately sets a moral compass is a choice, not a thought.

And he chose to wait.

The valley of Haveninkout was warm when the sun hit it- but that only lasted for a few hours. And the wind never gave up in between. As it began to get dark, Wren curled up tighter in his coat. Did waiting politely mean he was going to have to sleep out here?

A couple of guards left the jail at the assumed end of their shift, and Wren saw an opportunity to not come off as a bad person.

"Is there... bail at your prison? My friend's in here."

"No bail." One guard said. "Friend'll get sentenced. But there's short sentences. Only a few months."

"Your friend must be the boy who wrecked the temple, correct?" Another guard said. "Only one in today. His stay will be determined by the holy leader. Likely it'll be religious service, so you shouldn't be too scared for him."

"What time tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Likely she'll be informed of it tonight, and make her decision then."

The guards left after that, and shortly a new shift came in. Wren kept waiting outside the entrance of the jail, shivering but determined to be good.

The high holy leader came by late at night, though of course Wren had no idea how long he'd be waiting. It seemed like it must have been midnight. She wore layers of fur and brown cloth typical of the region, but it was highly accessorized to look mystic. There was extra bits of fabric and golden embroidery to help differentiate her status. She even had a clear shawl draped around her shoulders.

When Wren saw her, he stood up and blocked the door. "Miss." He said urgently. "I'd like to accompany you inside. You're here to see my friend, and I'm not sure he's fit to make his own case."

"Miss." She said softly, scorning the title. "Kala is my name. You are free to come with."

"Thanks!" Wren said, trying to sound grateful. But he then toned down with energy to match her own somber features. She was quite pretty, but grim, and her face bore wrinkles- marks that seemed to have found their way to her face far ahead of schedule.

The jail was quiet, but the echoes that matched every footstep seemed to suggest an immense size. There were multiple guards at each hall who bowed their heads as Kala passed.

Senya was not very far in, having likely been placed in a wing for newcomers.

"You have ransacked the sacred grand tomb of Lailana, and in doing so, brought a coming wrath to those in Haven." Kala said immediately. "What do you say?"

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