An Interruption in the Inferno

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Arthur wandered into the classroom, tired from another sleepless night. Him and Francis stayed up all night texting and FaceTiming, but Arthur could never get to sleep after they said goodnight. He hoped Francis had told his friends about their relationship so Arthur wouldn't have to...
"Hey, stud!" Gilbert smirked at Arthur when he walked in, and Francis slapped him.
"That's no way to talk to him, albinosaur!" Francis growled, knowing Gilbert hated being called albinosaur. Gilbert instantly shut up and glared. He was older than everyone else, so they called him as old as the dinosaurs. Arthur had come up with the clever nickname. Arthur wandered over to Francis and hesitantly slid his arms around his waist. Francis pulled him close and buried his face in Arthur's neck. "Another date after school, mon amour?"
"What the bloody hell does mon amour mean, frog? You still haven't told me." Arthur snapped, flicking the back of Francis's head then running his fingers through his hair.
"My love."
Arthur paused. "Love like....with your heart, love? Like....heart and soul..."
"You're very cute when you're flustered," Francis smirked, picking his books up and sauntering out the door, leaving Arthur and his flustered, angry self behind in the classroom.
Sitting at Francis's dinner table, Arthur quietly scarfed down the wonderful food while Francis casually sipped red wine and watched with a smile. "What the hell are you--" Arthur paused, taking a bite of a buttered baguette. "--looking at."
"You, British toad. So listen, Arthur, I...I have some news for you." He reached across the table and held Arthur's hands, then curled his nose. "It's big news. Wipe your greasy fingers so I can hold your hands properly." Arthur blushed from embarrassment and wiped his hands, then let Francis hold them again. "I've recently been--"
Arthur's phone buzzed. "Hold that thought, Francis. Terribly sorry to interrupt, but it appears...I've left my door unlocked. That was the police, there was a break in at my flat. I have to go. Please, tell me later?"
Francis sighed softly and nodded, and Arthur ran out the door. Once he was gone, Francis put his head in his hands and bit his lip. "I don't know if I'll have until later, mon amour."

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