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Another goddamn day. Arthur slammed his fist down on his wailing alarm clock, slumped off his couch bed, and trudged to the food. He whimpered; he was starving.
Getting dressed in his school uniform, he ran out the door with his bag thrown on his back, only to watch the bus to the high school take off without him. He groaned, then slogged his way to school, sitting down in his seat just as the final bell rang. A few people chuckled at him as they walked by; whatever, it was normal. He combed his hair with his fingers, listening to his stomach groan in hunger. Arthur brushed dust off his shirt, straightened his tie, and brought out his French levels book and began to study verb conjugation. His test was first period, and he usually did most of his studying on the bus.

Francis then walked into the room, followed by his albino friend, Gilbert, and womanizer friend with gripping green eyes and brown hair, with a perfect tan. They were the famous, infamous trio of the school. They were followed by a pack of girls, and even a few guys. Arthur rolled his eyes when they walked in. Francis sat in his chair, as the teacher walked in and the test started.


Francis was pleased to get 100% on his French test; he always did. Star French student.
Arthur, on the other hand, was at the bottom of the class in French. 46%, and a warning from the teacher. Just as he slipped his paper in his binder, Gilbert piped up from behind him.
"LOOK AT THIS UNAWESOME FOOL!" Gilbert laughed. "He's such a nerd, look at him! Look at that beautiful 46%!"

"Hey!" Arthur growled. "I'm trying to get my marks up, unlike you, you lazy beer slogging wanker. I'm an Englishman; French is challenging for my comprehension. What did you get on your test?" He asked Gil.

"76%." Gilbert replied, harshly clapping Arthur on the back and laughing. Arthur sighed, putting his head on his desk. Just as he closed his eyes, he caught a short glimpse of Francis hitting Gilbert, and giving Arthur an apologetic smile.


As Arthur walked back to his apartment, he considered moving back to London. God, Francis' smile was stunning.
Maybe he'd be happier back in his hometown. Bloody hell, those teeth were artificially whited or something.
Definitely, Arthur would definitely be happier back in London. How can someone's eyes be so perfectly sky blue?!


"Aha! There you are, mon cheri. I've been looking for you." Francis walked up beside Arthur, and Arthur found his heart fluttering. "My sincerest apologies for my asshole friend in class. Gil goes overboard sometimes. He also lied about his mark. He sort of....failed the test," Francis chuckled, and Arthur found himself laughing softly. "So what brought your beautiful self to Paris?" Francis asked suddenly. Arthur cleared his throat.

"I uh...thought I'd get a better job if I was bilingual. My Russian tutor tried to smash my head in, my Hungarian tutor sent me to the emergency room, my Italian tutor forgot he was teaching me Italian and went to chase a butterfly, my German tutor was so cold that I just left, my Chinese tutor criticized me way too much, and my Swedish tutor would open his mouth to say a word. So, French came to mind."

Francis laughed, a hearty, stereotypical Frenchman's laugh. "I'm very chatty, and nice, and focused, I don't criticize too much, and I won't try to kill you or...send you to the emergency room. How'd you like me to tutor you?"

Arthur legitimately stopped breathing. He strained to speak. The most popular boy in school, offering to tutor Arthur? "I'd like that.."

Francis smiled. "Oui. I'll meet you at your apartment after school tomorrow?"

Arthur froze. ""

"It's set then. I'll see you tomorrow," he said, winking at Arthur, captivating the Brit with his perfectly blue eyes.

Arthur bolted home, and began to clean.

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