Chapter 24

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Author's Note:

Hey! I'm back, but it's really short. I'm sorry for the time lapse but I'm going to be bringing this story to an end pretty soon. I don't know how many chapters there are left, but there aren't many. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter after I made you all wait this long for it.

Jazmyn's P.O.V:

Two Months Later:

Everything seemed to be going great. I was doing well in school, well as good as an eight months pregnant lady could be doing I guess. Jax was a real help, too. We've both been really busy getting ready for the babies to arrive: buying cribs, clothes, diapers, toys... you name it and we bought it.

I was sitting in the nursery at my house in my rocking as I read one of my text books for school. Due to some... complications with my pregnancy I've been staying home to do my work. About two weeks ago, I was walking through the school on my way to class when I got a piercing pain in my stomach. Thank God Tiffany was with me or else I don't know what would have happened. I was rushed to the hospital, and my doctor stopped me from going into labor because she didn't think it was good for the babies. So now I'm stuck at home until I become a mom.

"Jaz, Jax is here!" my mom called from downstairs. I didn't even bother to get up, he'd find me eventually. True to my own words, Jax walked into the room with a smile on his face.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" I asked setting my book aside so I could look at him. I glanced at the clock on the table beside me and realized that he must have just got out of school. He set his bag down by the door and came to sit in front of me.

"I can't just want to come see the mother of my two beautiful babies?" he asked with a smirk plastered across his face. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile when he leaned forward and started talking to my belly. "Hi, babies," he whispered as he placed two soft kisses on my large bump. He sat back, but kept one hand on my stomach, as he looked up at me. "How are you today?"

"I was just great as I sat around the house doing nothing as my mother hovered over me because there is a chance that I am going to go into labor any time." Sarcasm was dripping from each word that falls past my lips. He frowned at me and I sighed. "Sorry, I just don't like being cooped up in here all the time. I never thought I would be saying this, but I miss school."

"Well, just think, it's almost graduation and by the time it gets here we'll both be parents and then we'll get to start our lives." He paused. "Can you believe that we're about to be parents?" he asked. I shook my head and placed my hands on my stomach. We stayed silent for a couple of minutes as we just rubbed my belly.

A sharp pain shot through my stomach causing me to groan in pain. "What's wrong?" Jax asked taking in my sudden change in expressions. I couldn't even talk, I just sat there and waited for the pain to pass. Since I got out of the hospital I've been having small contraction every now and again, but this one was different. "Jazmyn talk to me!" he exclaimed as he got up to his feet kneeling in front of me.

"Go get my mom, Jax," I strained out. He looked at me skeptically at first, but the second he saw my look he jumped to his feet and ran from the room. God, please make this pain go away! Another wave of pain shot through me pulling all air from my lungs. I gripped my stomach as I sat up as much as I could in the chair. This had to be it... I'm going to be a mom!

Jaxon's P.O.V:

"Jax? What's wrong, what's going on?" Stella asked as I came bursting into the kitchen. She was making dinner, but dropped everything at the sight of my panicked look.

"It's Jaz, she needs you. There's something wrong, she's in pain and she could barely talk," I rushed out as I started pulling her out of the kitchen. I don't know what was wrong with her, but by the look on her face it wasn't good. Just as we turned the corner, Jaz was coming down the stairs with one hand on the railing one hand on her stomach. "Jaz!" I exclaimed as I hurried up the stairs to help her. She stopped and closed her eyes as she leaned against me.

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