Chapter 1

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Jazmyn's P.O.V:

My first three period went by without any difficulty. Being the new student has its perks, I guess. I didn't have to do anything except sit there and pretend like I gave a damn about what the teacher was saying... which I didn't. I’m a lot smarter than people gave me credit for, but I don’t care about school so people just assume I don’t know what I’m doing.

I was now on my way to the lunch room, where every other body seemed to be headed. This should really be interesting. I may be new, but that hasn't stopped people from running up to me and asking me if I wanted to hang with them at lunch. The only question that now remains is who will it be?

Turning the corner, I spot the somewhat familiar black hair pushing someone up against a locker right outside the doors to the lunch room.

Smirking, I realized just what would be hilarious to do in this moment. So I walked forward and grabbed the door handle. I jerked the door open with much more force than necessary, causing it to slam into the guys back which in turned caused him to slam into the girl.

"What the hell is your problem?!" the girl squealed as she raised her hand to her forehead and rubbed it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something? My bad," I replied showing a small smirk. I turned on my heels and heading into the cafeteria without looking back.

"HEY! I was talking to you!" she yelled from behind me. Gaining the attention of the almost all the students already in the cafeteria. "Who the hell do you think you are, new girl?! You think you can just waltz right on in here and pretend like you have some sort of claim on the place. Well news flash, you are nothing. A stupid ass slut that has no need of being here," she ranted holding a smirk of her own at the end.

I promised my mother I would bite my tongue and be nice, but calling me a slut, which I was far from, was crossing a line this bitch didn't want to cross. I know my mom told me to behave myself and be nice, but I wasn’t about to let some random ass bitch try to walk all over me in her knock off hooker heels.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I the one just outside the cafeteria doors practically having sex with most likely a random guy that showed just the slightest interest in me? No, sorry sweetie, but that was you." I said and immediately shouts and whistles broke out throughout the room. I heard a couple, "burns," and a couple, "you just got told." This only caused the already existent smirk on my face to grow. Seems like I haven’t lost my touch.

The girl opened her mouth to reply, but immediately shut it back again. She turned on her heels and ran out of the cafeteria. I knew she was most likely running away so others didn't see her cry. I'll give her props on not letting people see her weak like that. And, yes, I know I should probably feel bad about what I just did, but I just can't find it in me to care about what she, or anyone else for that matter thinks about me. I refuse to live my life on what other people find acceptable.

She was the one desperately throwing herself at some guy in the hallway of a school, not me. When she called me a slut, she put herself in the position to be called out on how it is she really acts. Not my problem. Maybe she'll think twice next time before calling people names when she doesn’t even know the person.

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