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Addicted to love- Florence and the machine

"You're throat is tight, you can't breathe, another kiss is all you need."
L  P.O.V

I was just sitting on my porch swinging my feet back and forth from the bench I was sitting on when I saw a boy running. He looked upset.
I watched him run down my street, I wasn't going to do anything, until I saw him nearing the tricycle my mum told me to pick up that belonged to my young cousin.
I watched as the boy wiped his eyes, and then stumbled over something I didn't pick up. He fell straight on to his face. He didn't try to catch himself. He just let it happen.
"Hey, are you alright?" I asked running to his aid. He stood up and brushed his arm off.
"Yeah I'm fine." He sounded angry, but not fine.
"Do you want to come inside?" I asked trying to be friendly. He looked behind him and around the neighborhood, and then to my eyes.
"I can help you get cleaned up?"
He gave me a weird look, maybe he didn't know his nose was bleeding and had scars over his face and a busted lip.
"C'mon." I grabbed his arm which felt bigger than it looked, and let him inside.

little || CakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora