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Missing you- All time low
"With so much left to do, we'll be missing out, and I'll be missing you."


I'll admit, I wasn't too surprised when Luke asked me to be his boyfriend. Okay I lied. I was really shocked. I thought he was straight, and that's why I was nervous being around him.
After he invited me to his house, I didn't go back because I was scared he would figure out I like him more than friends.
"Cal baby, are you awake?" Luke asked me, rolling over, cupping my face in his hands, and pulling me to his lips.
"I am now." I smiled, and kissed him again.
"Let's go do something today." Luke sat up from his bed, and got out to put clothes on for the day.
"Can I just sleep babe?"
"Nope. I'm taking you somewhere special."

I got in the car with him, and he drove somewhere I had never been. We arrived at a park, and Luke got out. He came around and opened the door for me, and I stepped out with him. He grabbed my hand, and we started walking down the sidewalk of the park.
We walked past the playground, where loads of kids were playing together.
"We're gonna have kids someday right Luke?" I asked. I could just imagine a baby with Lukes bright blue eyes, but of course, it's nothing we would have control over.
"Of course we will babe." He leans down and kisses my cheek.
I leaned in and rested my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around my back.
"I love you so much Luke."
"I love you too cal."

We got back in the car and Luke soon drove me to Panda Express.
"This is the fanciest restaurant I've ever been to Luke wow."
"I knew I had to get the best for my Cal." Luke smirks.
We walked in holding hands and we did get a couple of stares, but it didn't bother me.
"Hello, welcome to panda, how may I help you two today?" The woman at the register asks.
Luke orders for myself and him, and the lady tells us our total.
"Can I just say, you two walking in that door like the happiest couple on earth made my day?" The woman speaks.
"Oh, thanks?" Luke smiles, showing we care for her support.
"Don't worry what other people say, you do you, and know it makes people happy." She said to us, showing her sympathy.
"Thank you so much." I say, and wrap my arm around Luke's bicep and cuddle him.
"You are so welcome." She says, and tells the employees our order.
Luke and I sit down with our food, and we talk about everything; school, what we're doing after school, college, work, just everything.

"I had a great time tonight with you Calum." Luke says, leaning in for a kiss.
I lean to him, and make the kiss real, and he wraps his fingers around my hair. He pulls my into him, and then he runs his hands down my back. I am still a virgin.
He continues on, taking his clothes off, then trying to get mine off.
"No." I stop, trying to back out from his grip. He continues on.
"No!" I say louder, getting his attention.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks me, confused about why I told him to stop.
"Nothing I just..." I stop talking, I'm too embarrassed! What if he makes fun of me.
"You're a virgin, aren't you?" He tilts his head to the left. I sigh, and look to the ground.
"If you're not ready, I understand. I will respect your decision, I promise."
"It's not that Luke."
"Then what is it, is it me?"
"No, I'm just not sure if sex in your car in the front of Panda Express is a great place to have my first time."
"Oh, right." Luke puts the keys in the ignition, and we drive back to his new apartment.

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