Jamie L.'s Story :

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Hey, I was a real tomboy growing up because my mom passed away and I didn't have her there to show me the girly things, so I didn't know about all the risks of pregnancy and so I tuned most of it out. I know crazy right! But I didn't see a need for me to know. well now I have 2 one year old boys (twins). If I had aborted them I would have not got to seem them take their first steps last week and I feel so blessed. I have to tell you though I did get a beach ball tummy... well a little more and the horrible sickness and the cravings. I am so happy that I now have 2 happy healthy boys :) and that they can be kids and grow up and be themselves. I don't regret being a teen mom... I really don't it just gives me more years to be around my boys :). of course my family didn't approve but eventually after coming to me with my ultrasounds they adjusted. My boyfriend was shocked but he was so happy, he never missed an appointment. I really hope you all enjoyed my story yours truly me.

- J-L 💛

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