Diana's Story :

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I was 16 when i got pregnant in december 2013. It was planned but not really. When we tried we didnt get pregnant then when we didnt i ended up pregnant. My bf was happy and i was too but scared. Neither of our fams where happy about it.. everyone got it in my bfs head for abortion.. i fought so hard to change his mind cause i wouldve done it to make him happy but i didnt want to go through doing that to life.. i wanted to keep the baby. We went to plan parenthood and everything for the abortion :/ a lady was out there protesting about it and took us to a free clinic to get an ultrasound. He seen the baby move and was happy but his mind was still set on abortion.. the second ultrasound we went to get the baby moved again and he got happy and said lets do adoption:) i was happy with that decision cause we got to keep life.. later on of thinking about he finally said he doesnt want no one taking care of his baby but us and to keep it :) we found out it was a girl and now shes almost 7m(:

- D. 💙

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