Chazmyne A.'s Story :

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At thirteen, I found out I was pregnant. Terrified of what my parents would think and because I was only in 8th grade, I hid the entire pregnancy. I was 38 weeks when my parents found out and though they were disappointed and worried, they accepted it. I then had my first daughter on February 18th, 2013. Now, at fifteen, I just had my second baby girl on March 24th, 2015. When I found out I was pregnant I had just moved. I had found out I was pregnant when I was already 26 weeks along. I was scared because I had just finished volleyball season and I thought it could've hurt her. And I was disappointed in myself. I was already raising a toddler. I couldn't possibly be able to raise two kids, even with help from my parents. So I thought long and hard about adoption, but I couldn't move forth with it. I mean, I couldn't see myself giving my child away. She was MY child. I was going to find a way to make it. I put all my faith in God and I'm making it, day by day, step by step.

- Chazmyne A. 💙

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