Chapter Three

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Until I heard his faint footsteps grow louder and louder as he came closer to my direction. He turned the corner and picked me up. "Shhh" he cooed in my ear carrying me back into our bedroom.
"I'm sorry Justin, I'm sorry" I kept telling him in hope of forgiveness in his next words. "No baby, I didn't read the entire article, it's all fake." He said. "I'm so sorry baby girl."
He lightly laid me on the bed and I silently let my tears fall. I was facing Justin as I saw him getting ready for bed. He pulled his shirt off in one swift movement. He took his jeans off leaving him in his white boxers. I sighed as he lied down next to me and looked at me . He wiped the tears from under my eyes and cheeks.

"I love you." He told me with that raspy tone.

I stayed with no real emotions and sort of smiled.

I loved him though. I was just unsure if he means what he says. He pulled me close to his chest he was warm and cozy. I felt protected every time I was with him. With him in his arms. He reached over me to turn off my bedside lamp. "Good night my beautiful princess." I heard him whisper against my ear. "Goodnight."
Kalani's Point Of View
I wanted Justin to be home. I wanted Olivia, my best friend to come over but Justin said no. I didn't know what I did to Justin.  He has a random mood swings and keeps freaking out on me. He went as far as repeatedly beating me. He never has. Hell maybe he beat me once or twice before but never did he ever beat me senseless. It shows me what he's capable of. There's not one thing he can't do...nothing.

Justin's Point Of View
I know what your thinking, what a terrible douche he is. Well yeah, I know. I'm a monster. And even though I try so hard not to hurt Kalani, I just can't control myself. Watching me beat the hell out of The woman I love...watching the fear wave through her body, the physical pain I see shoot through her eyes as I hit her, it breaks my heart but while I do those things to her it... It just pleasures me.
Trust me, I know I am a sick bastard and I don't deserve her but most of the time she just needs to know who's boss. Ugh, I don't know, it's like the tiniest things that piss me off. She drops a glass, I fuck her up, she forgets to do a chore, I'd beat her senseless, even if she says something in a tone I don't approve of, I abuse her. It brings me the feeling of power.
I don't want her to think I don't love her because I really, really, really do. More than anything in the world. I would give up my life for her but  I feel like I've permanently damaged her. She refuses to change in front of me. She either waits for me to leave the room or goes and locks her self in the bathroom. It breaks me because she used to change I front of me without a problem..but not anymore. She also doesn't make love to me either. Every time I try making love to her she freaks out because she doesn't want me seeing her naked. I've definitely ruined her. As we all know, the one thing I cannot control is the urge to abuse her, but the one thing I can control is the desire for sex. Sure I am a young guy, and every guy wants sex. But I will never rape her. Plus when I beat her I never take it too far. I always stop when I see I'm hurting her. I stop when I see her cry... Sometimes. When I am having a good day, just seeing her cry makes me want to murder myself. But other days like when I'm drunk or I just don't care or even if I'm having a bad day, abusing her makes me feel more powerful.
For example the other day when I was beating her up,  she was begging for me to stop, I stopped. I mean I don't hit her that hard- I haven't even used my full force on her. I just scare her a little bit that's all. But to be  honest, what hurts me the most is when she doesn't want me seeing her naked. I know why and it's because of all of her bruises and scars. The ones I left on her. Those are her biggest insecurities. Some of the scars aren't even from me. It's from herself when she cuts. She's stopped for now thank god, it still hurts me to know she was self harming.  If I bring it up, she will deny it was all her will no matter what the consequences.

I do admit I have had nightmares when I kill Kalani. And when I wake up I feel no shame, guilt or anger ..nothing. I realize I'm cruel to the core and my soul is black but her pain just comforts me .  That means I'm not comfortable unless she scared. Of course I'd protect her if any person or thing try's hurting her. I'm overprotective when it comes to my baby. Shit, I'd murder those people, but for me?'s just weird.
Yay it's finally updated I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
This was more of their thoughts so you guys could get a little bit more information from their life but it's gonna get sooo much better trust me!! I can't wait :3 😭💓
Oh and I have a new Jason fanfic posted, I hope you guys check it sometime .. And I'll have another book posted called "Property" (that was popular on my old account , I'm sure you'll love it.)

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