Chapter Four

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Kalani's Point Of View

I had already finished the chores and just finished making Justin's favorite dinner. I laid the fork on the right side of the plate and a glass of ice cold water on the upper left side of the plate just how he likes it. I'm actually kind of happy I get to cuddle up with Justin all day. Well you know, if he's in a good mood. Although on Sunday's he's never busy, just kind of cranky for who knows what.

I heard the doorknob start to twist open and made my way towards the door.
"Yes Justin?, I'm here."
"How was your day?" I stood there a little shocked since it's so rare for him to ask me how my day was.
He walked over to me and placed his hands on my waist so he could pull me closer to his chest.
"F-fine." I replied hesitantly. "My day was fine." I restated with slight more confidence.
He nodded and stood there staring into my eyes. I didn't know where to look so I just looked anywhere but at him. Every time I look into his eyes I just see pain and memories. Bad memories that I wanted to forget.
I started feeling uncomfortable being under his gaze for so long, so I try making conversation to loosen up the tension.
"And you? How was your day?"
"My day was perfect." He told me against my neck while lowering towards my shoulder. He pushed me softly against the wall and kissed my jawline. I knew what he wanted and he knew too. But there's no way in hell its happening. I know I lost my virginity only a month after him and I met; we made love to each other like any other couple. Of course, that was up until he started beating me. Now it's like, I'd be extremely uncomfortable to be in just my underwear and bra around him.
I was at least grateful he never forced sex upon us.
I put my hands on Justin's firm chest not daring to push him away knowing that I would get consequences.
"Justin...stop." I said. He disconnected his lips from my collarbone and looked up at me with a sad face.
"Why?" He questioned with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"I'm just not in the mood right now." I sighed. "Later maybe."
He just grumbled.
I took his hand and lead him to the dinner table. "Look" i paused so he could see what was left on the dinner table. "I made your favorite dinner Justin."  I tried cheering him up. He looked at the plate of spaghetti and chuckled. "I love you" he grabbed my face with both of his hands and pecked my lips. I grinned widely hoping he meant it. "I love you too."
The following morning i sat on the couch watching spongebob  re-runs letting the boredom wash over me. I wasn't even paying attention. Justin didn't want to hang out with me because he decided to act like a cranky teenager today. So I asked him if Olivia and I could hang out instead but he refused as well.
I got up from the couch and walked upstairs to the studio where Justin was at. I stood in the doorway and just watched Justin do his thing. He was perfect in every little aspect. I wanted to ask him to come hang out with me again, but I was scared that he was gonna get even more angrier than before.
"What!?" He snapped, yanking me out of my trance.
"mmm n-nothing." I changed my mind on asking him to come hang out with me and walked out of the doorway. "Kalani." He called sternly. I stopped im my tracks and turned back around heading back towards Justin's door. "Yeah?"

"Why don't you go call Olivia or something, have her stay while I'm busy with work" he said softly.
Wow, mood swing much?
I smiled widely. "Okay!" I cheered happily leaving the room but then quickly turned back.
"Uh, I kind of need your phone to call her." He took my phone away from me when I first tried escaping. He also didn't want me telling anybody about "us." Justin groaned slightly and handed me the phone. I swear this kid is bipolar. One minute he's all sweet and lovey dovey and then the next he's a mass murderer.
I leaned against the wall and texted Olivia's number. Before I could even set the phone down she replied instantly telling me she was on her way. And with Olivia being Olivia, she added a million emoji's. I smiled and handed Justin back his cellphone so he could continue writing in his journal. "Thanks" I told him.
Justin's Point Of View
I can't stay mad at her because she's so cute and fuzzy. She smiled and walked back out of the studio as if she just won a prize or something. I'm not scared to have Olivia over at all. Kalani never tells her about the bad things that happen between us. They pretty much just sit there and be loud. But I have to admit, Kalani is really cute when she's all hyper. Plus, Olivia is the only person Kalani can talk to besides me. I know you're probably thinking Kalani is only aloud to talk to people that I approve of because I'm scared she'll tell. It's not that at all. It's more of because, I don't know ... There's a lot of dangerous people out there. I just don't want her talking to other people.
The only other reason why I allow Olivia around is because she keeps Kalani happy when I'm too busy or not home. Kalani suffered from depression and tried commuting suicide not too long ago. It devastated me. Yet I still continue to abuse her.
I don't like to call it abuse though. I call it setting her in her place. She just needs to know that I won't bow down to her.
Today feels weird. I feel like some big softy. As in, I'll snap on Kalani and quickly feel bad for doing so. I think I'm in a pretty good mood today compared to my others but I've also been a little too....horny? Yeah, aha that's a little embarrassing to say but it's just for the past two weeks, every time I look at her body- her perfectly sculpted curves, her fragile but smooth skin, and her mesmerizing blue-gray eyes, I just wanna touch her body. The sweet memories of her allowing me to touch her start to flow back into my head and I just want her even more. I've heard sayings that if a guy goes so long without having sex, it doesn't matter who it is, they get turned on. But not for me. It's just my baby girl, Kalani.

Kalani's Point Of View

I waited anxiously for Olivia to arrive and it seriously felt like decades. As I waited I got deep into thought about when Justin said he loved me and my heart fluttered. When he says it, I nearly faint.

I've definitely noticed how horny Justin has been lately and I couldn't help but laugh at how sexually frustrated he gets.
I do want to make love to Justin. But not with this aggressive, rough new Justin. Just with the one I fell in love with. I've had sex with him one time and after that he started beating me. He became rough and demanding. I don't know what happened. He used to be so gentle and caring and it's gotten to the point where he throws me around like a scrap pillow every time he gets mad.

I pulled out of my thoughts and my face brightened as soon as I heard a knock on the door. I leaped across the couch and ran over to see Olivia's face on the other side of the door. She shrieked as if we hadn't seen each other in years but in reality, we saw each other two days ago at school. That's just her.

We sat down on the couch for about four hours, acting like idiots and just had a girl talk. She asked about Justin and I didn't share any of the bad information-just the information about him getting all pushy and horny lately. She was a little shocked and I wasn't surprised at all. She gets shocked by almost anything.

She soon randomly decided to be pissed off at Justin. And I immediately tried calming her down but that failed.
With my luck, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Justin. Perfect timing eh? Note my sarcasm.
Olivia was the first to give Justin the "I'll fucking murder you" look.
"Hey Olivia, Hey baby." He casually greeted and walked to the fridge to grab a water bottle. He took a sip and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Don't fucking touch her!" Olivia yelled.
He was as surprised as I was. "What's your problem?" His eyebrows raised. "You, now shoo-shoo you piece of trash that doesn't deserve Kalani." Her tone was cocky. Oh my gosh is she trying to get me killed here?!
"Olivia what the hell are you talking about?!" You can tell that he has now lost his patience.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"
I started to shift my position on the couch, highly uncomfortable of what's going to happen next.
"Oh my, would both of you just stop?" I asked politely. "ugh fine I have to go anyway. See you tomorrow at school Kalani. I love you." She said as she grabbed her purse and started walking out the door.
Yeah, if I'm not dead by then my subconscious spoke.
She turned back around before walking out the door. "Justin" she spat and left.

Wow. Just shoot me right now.
I faced Justin and saw that his fists were clenched and his jaw was locked. "What the fuck did you tell her?!" He gritted through his teeth. "Nothing at all!" I swore.

"Kalani, you lying little whore" he started walking towards me and my instincts told me to get up and back away. "Justin, I swear."

"You stupid bitch you're lying to me!" His voice echoed throughout the house.
Before I could even process what he did, I felt his hands on my shoulders and he pushed me into the wall. I winced but held in my screech knowing he hates it.
His large fist connects with my jaw and my face burned like hells fire when I made it to the floor.
"You lied to me!" He thrusted his foot into my ribs and this time I couldn't help but screech in pain. He came at me with his foot and with all that force, my back slammed into the wall and that created a small crack. I got up crunching my stomach and moved away from the wall so I wouldn't be cornered.
"Justin Please." I begged.
"Stop running away from me!" He demanded. This time i felt his foot in my temple. My cheeks hits the floor again with so much force I could feel the vibration run through me.


He stopped continued beating me but it looked like he was fighting with his mind to stop.

Sooner than later, he discontinued his actions and stomped out of the living room. He didn't forget to turn the lights of either. I begged for help. I needed medical attention. I felt my body start to bruise up and this time I knew he wouldn't be coming back to help.
I felt blood drip from the corner of my mouth and felt a small leaking coming from the side of my head. After 15 minutes of screaming for his help, I just gave up. He left me there this time and fell asleep while I struggled to keep conscious throughout the night.

I updated yaaay!
Next update: in three months 😊💞
Love you guys!! And thank you for reading, let me know what you think about this chapter?
Oh and what do you think is gonna happen between Olivia and Kalani? Or Olivia and Justin. Any thoughts about her? Let me know lovess (:
(Btw i was joking about updating in 3 months. Ha.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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