Chapter 9: Some Explaining To Do

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Has anyone else noticed how the chapters are decreasing in word length as I update, hahaha, i swear that's not intentional and i'm sorry! i'll try to make them longer i swear. ;-;

Morgan's POV:

Maddie looked at me with a shocked expression and I soon found her attached to my torso, squeezing as tight as she could.

I rolled my eyes, trying to pry her off me. "Maddie... dude, need to.. breathe, asshole..." I mumbled, her response wad to hug tighter, which was apparently now possible. Of course she would.

The figure I had spotted in the distance when first appearing in this realm had started to walk towards Maddie and I. As they got closer, I realised it was a girl, about my age, wit- oh my god it's Lexi.

"Oi, jackass! help my get the leech off before I get out the knife!" I shouted after waiting for the figure to come nearer. I could see her clearly now, she had changed. But then again, we all had. Maddie also had blue hair now... which i... hadn't noticed earlier.

Lexi raised an eyebrow at the two of us, Maddie pouted and let go with one of her arms so that she could point at Lexi. "Don't judge meee!" Maddie complained.

Lexi smiled, "Wasn't planning on it, come over here you two. I have some people I think you're going to want to meet." She gestured behind her, where three figures had appeared. The middle of the three was shrouded in a red hue and she stood behind Maddie, a cheeky grin was plastered on her face. "Now, introduce yourself, and your friends, I don't know who they are either remember." Lexi asked, looking at the girl standing behind her.

"Eh, okay! Why not?" She sang, giggling a little. She disappeared, the red hue lingering for a second as it faded into nothing. The girl appeared again in front of Lexi, causing Maddie to let out a shriek of surprise. "I'm Scarlet! I'm Lexi's, well, guardian/weapon I guess! It really depends on the situation. Nice to meet you guys, now that you've all reunited, well, sort of, seeing as this is a dream world. We're able to talk more and explain some things!" Scarlet announced, beaming in excitement.

One of the remaining two stood behind Lexi disappeared and reappeared, shoving her friend out of the way. "My name is Lucian." He announced, showing no emotion at all. "I am your 'guardian/weapon', Maddie. Don't expect anything, human. Unlike these two, I don't plan on protecting you unless it's absolutely necessary, is that clear?" He raised an eyebrow, his dark blue eyes piercing into Maddie's. She took a worried step back and nodded slightly, leaning into me some more. That goddamned-

A sigh escaped the third figure's lips, she had appeared besides me and gripped on to my arm. She said nothing, but her emerald green eyes conveyed a lot of emotion. She didn't want me to anger him, for some strange reason. The guy was a huge dick! of course I was going to want to punch him, he'd been rude to my friend!

Scarlet stepped in, the grin still on her face. "This is Neilani, she, uh, doesn't speak, much. At least not in front of us. If she truly feels the need to talk to you, she'll find a way. Morgan, this is your guardian." She shrugged, as if it didn't matter to her at all. "So," the grin widened, "Any questions?"

Maddie's POV:

Heck yes I had questions. Lot's of them, and I was definitely going to ask them all. Starting with the most important ones, obviously.

I raised my hand, "Why is my weapon-thingy so glum? He isn't smiling!" I asked, lazily pointing at the only male in the area. At least, I'm going to assume he's the only male.

Scarlet shrugged, "Why don't you ask him? He's right there."

"Eh, Effort." I responded immediately after, eyeing the suspicious emotion-hiding douche. I couldn't have him doing anything to my friends! they're precious to me.

Scarlet chuckled at my antics- I mean, fabulous behaviour and waited silently for any more questions, Morgan slowly raised her hand. "What is this place? Where the hell are we?"

Scarlet gave her an 'are you serious' look, "I'm not sure, nobody is. Not even your ghosty friends can be 100% sure on what this dimension is. All that is known about it is that is has the power to allow specific people to share their dreams with another."

Morgan rolled her eyes, "Of course you wouldn't."

The red weapon fell silent and sighed, "I'm sorry I couldn't answer your question. Anyway, you have some time before you have to head back into reality, I'll allow you girls to catch up with one another. We have some things we need to attend to." She nodded at Neilani and Lucian. The trio walked away, leaving the girls to talk.

"So..." I mumbled, now at a loss for words. It was just so.. Awkward.

"So indeed, where have you been so far, Morgan? Maddie and I have already caught up somewhat." Lexi finally commented, breaking the silence that had ensued after the weapons had taken their leave.

"You what?" Morgan replied, her brows furrowed in confusion, "You mean to tell me you two are currently in the same place? together?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I literally only just got there earlier on today." I saw the muddled look hadn't yet left her expression and decided to try and clear it up a bit. "by 'there', I actually mean the Church. Y'know, Barsburg Church? The big ol' BC?"

"Oh..." Morgan mumbled, "So I guess I should tell you where I am and who I'm with. As for where I am at this exact moment, I have no clue. Everything's kind of hazy, at least the last few moments before I fell asleep are. I remember seeing something, a figure maybe? But eh, my slight memory loss isn't
relevant right now. I've been travelling with Lance-"


Morgan gave me a strange look and slightly raised an eyebrow, "Okay Maddie, okay." Her eyes widened for a second, "Oh shi-" and with that, Morgan's image faded from our presence. It was me and Lexi again.

Scarlet rushed back, "Oh guys that reminds me I forgot to tell you about- welp, seems you have no more time left here. I'll save my explanations for when I see you again."

"Great, more waiting." Lexi complained, sighing in frustration.

"Don't be surprised if you wake up with a little gift beside you!" All three of us chimed in with a ((A/N: Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?! :/ *shot*)) dumbfounded "what...?"

Scarlet giggled, "You'll see what I mean soon enough! See ya!"

"Wait!" I exclaimed, reaching out with one of my hands, there was one thing i'd forgotten to ask about..! It was too late, everything faded to black and I passed out again, well, my dream self did.



*slowly raises own hand*


just kidding, hope you enjoyed! xD

comment and tell me what you think is gonna happen. :O or you could just notice me, that works too. ;-;

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