Chapter 6: Not Again...

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What is this mystical ray of light shining through my window..? Sunshine..? In England..? Could it be...?

Oh well; time to be my introverted self and write instead of socialising in the nice weather. XD

Lexi's POV:

After I had finished eating; I shuffled out of the food hall without really saying anything to anyone. I don't know why but I suddenly felt extremely tired. What's happening to me? I was full of energy before..

I sleepily made my way over to a spot my brain deemed 'comfortable' and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

When I opened my eyes again I found myself surrounded by nothing. Everything was a pale white as far as the eye could see.

"Not again..." I moaned; sighing heavily. Wait if there's nothing around me... What am I standing on?

"Something solid, obviously." Something, or someone stated. I looked around trying to find the source of the voice, but found nothing.

"What..? What's going on?! Why am I here again?!" I questioned rapidly; still searching for the owner of the voice.

"Over here, idiot." It took me a few seconds to realise the voice was coming from behind me. I turned around to find nothing out of the ordinary. "I believe I've told you that you aren't supposed to be here before now; so why are you back?" The voice sounded feminine, and familiar.

"Sorry." I apologised quietly, "it's not like I really get a choice. These things just kind of happen..." Frowning, I crossed my arms. "So, are you going to show yourself any time soon?"

"Hm, maybe. Maybe not. That all depends on you. You say you have no choice in your coming here? Well dear, everybody gets a choice. But sometimes you do not realise you are making it until it is too late. My apologies, I have a habit of rambling on now and again. My name is Scarlett. You're the first human I have ever shared that with. Feel special." She exclaimed smugly.

For a split-second, the white around the area I assumed Scarlett was standing in flickered. A few moments later it flickered again; the glitching out lasting slightly longer than it did the previous time.

A small smirk crept onto my face and I raised an eyebrow. "So that's where you are.." I mumbled; eyeing the spot cautiously.

"Good observation skills, my friend." She chirped happily. "Guess there's no point in hiding anymore huh?" Suddenly; what I had though was part of the wall shattered like a mirror. Stood there was a girl about my age, she smiled.

"Why do I get the feeling I've seen you before?" I asked, slightly bewildered.

"You probably have. I get around a lot y'know~? Oh! Look at the time! You need to go! Call on me if you need me and I'll do my best to help; okay?" Scarlet said; smiling reassuringly.

"Wait.. How do I get out of here? Why now? Can't I stay for a bit?" I queried, raising my eyebrow once again.

"You don't know? This is your dimension. You control everything in here." She stated.


"Yes, everything."

"... Oh."

Scarlett looked at me as if controlling this place should be second nature to me. She sighed irritably. "do you need some help?"

"Yes please..." I mumbled.

She smiled. "I'll send you home this time." Her smile faded slightly, "But don't expect me to do it again, okay?"

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