The quiet in my head at night never settles right.

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Quiet nights in the library aren't really Pete's perception of fun, but then again he doesn't get up to much fun, at least by other people's standards, he's sort of an introvert, only having about 3 people he calls close friends, and the rest just simple acquaintances.

From the look of him, he's what you'd call a stereotypical nerd, too skinny, thick black glasses, over sized sweaters, and if that's not bad enough, his full time job is working at a book store.

Pete inhales deeply, moving to rummage through the stack of magazines to bide his time, not to say Pete doesn't enjoy being there, one of his biggest hobbies since he was a small child, was reading books, which is one of the reasons why he applied for this job in the first place, but he'd rather write, and be heard, then give away someone else's words, and stay silent, he wants to have a voice.

Looking through the pages of one of the magazines, his eyes stray to the face of a too pale man, with a pretty, pretty mouth, several tattoos coating up and down his arms, his hair a powder blue, a couple piercings, one piercing in particular taking Pete's interest.

Pete personally has always had a thing for septum piercings, and if he's honest, tattoos, and piercings in general. Not a lot of people would expect him to like half the things he likes, but hey, don't judge a book by it's cover.

Pete's eyes scan over the article, from the image of the man himself holding a guitar on stage, Pete assumes he's a musician, seems his name is Patrick Stump, and he's twenty years old, young, Pete muses, before shaking his head. He's not even sure why he cares, it's not like he's ever gonna meet the guy.

flopping the magazine down on the desk, he leans back in his chair, closing his eyes, almost falling asleep, eyelids snapping open when he hears a loud chime, resounding, from the door swinging open, causing a breeze.

Sighing, he sits up, he wasn't really expecting anyone this late, fixing his glasses, he glances up at the clock attached to the wall, about five minutes till closing time.

He turns back with a slight frown, before realizing just who it is, "Oh, Joe, it's just you." Pete mutters, bringing a hand to his forehead, Joe crosses his arms, "Well that's not very friendly of you, maybe I'll have to report a complaint" He jokes, sitting on the desk.

Pete shakes his head, "How 'bout no, now scoot your butt off my workspace." Pete says, shooing Joe away.

"Fine, fine, don't get your panties in a twist." Joe grumbles, making Pete's eyebrows pull together, angrily flushing, he hisses out, "Shut the fuck upTrohman."

Joe raises his hands in surrender, expression full of shock, he hops off the desk, "My bad, I forgot, anyway you remember the plans, right?" Pete groans, slumping back into his chair, "I don't know, I think...Can't I just stay back at my apartment for the night?" Joe scoffs at him, "You are not slip and slidin' your way out of this, sorry princess." He shakes his head.

"Did you come here just to bother me, or...?" Pete asks, before moving to hurl a pen at Joe.

Joe easily dodges it, "Yeah, pretty much." He replies, shrugging. "You're lucky that pen wasn't a book." Pete growls, standing up. "It's time for me to close up shop, anyway." He opens one of his drawers, grabbing his keys. Pete pushes Joe out of the shop, and switches off the lights, before stepping out, locking the door.

Pete turns back to Joe, rolling his eyes, "I'll see you at your stupid unnecessary get together, okay?" Joe glares, and makes a half-hearted attempt to punch him in the shoulder, "You better, and it's not stupid, dick." Pete smirks at him, and spins around, starting to trudge down the sidewalk in the direction of the subway, stopping in his steps, when Joe continues, "Oh! That reminds me, that hot guy, you might like, his name is P-" Joe begins, before a series of cars honking drive by, drowning out whatever name Joe said, Pete couldn't really decipher it, he thinks it ended in ick, ick? Well, that's reassuring.

He hates being forced to meet Joe's friends with a passion, it feels exactly like his mom setting him up for a play date, he knows Joe means well, but sometimes he'd rather just stay alone...he's used to it.


Pete darts onto the train, almost being left behind, because of Joe holding him up, God dammit, Joe, scowling at nothing, he grabs one of the handles, looking around in the mass of people, his gaze locks onto a certain figure, familiar blue hair, smothered under a black beanie, dark shades, and a snug fitting dark blue hoodie. Pete narrows his eyes, before shaking his head, there's no way, tons of people have hair like that... it could be anyone.

Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway, what would a guy like that, want with a guy like Pete? He'd break him in two, he got enough of the assholes like that in high school. Pete huffs, and lets go of the handle, crossing his arms, him being reminded of his teenage years causes an unpleasant itch to suppress itself underneath his skin, he shudders slightly, and grimaces, taking a deep breath, he tries to think about something else, maybe that guy Joe's obviously trying to set him up with, Pete still can't figure out what the name was, Joe said the guy was rough around the edges, but sweet once you got to know him, he also said that there's a surprise in the package that is the guy, he didn't even bother telling Pete what it was though, well, he did say surprise...what a bastard.

Pete continues to think about nothing in particular. Did he lock the front door? He doesn't remember. Did he remember to put the milk back in the fridge? If he didn't Mikey's gonna kill him, did he remember to feed Hemmy? Yeah, yeah he did, he knows how Hemmy gets when he's hungry, basically destroying everything in his path, he already does that alone, but Pete can at least try to tame it. he was lucky when his landlord let him keep his dog in the first place, he doesn't want to push it.

The train comes to a stop, lurching, and Pete's reminded by the sad fact that he forgot he let go of the handle keeping him intact, and now he's falling to his doom, he clenches his eyes shut, bracing himself for the fall, yelping when he lands on a person's lap, blinking his eyes open, he's met face to face with the suspicious blue headed man, though missing the shades this time, most likely to have flown off when Pete fell on him, and holy shit, It's Patrick Stump, he just fell on Patrick Stump.

The man seems to stare at him just as dumbfounded as he is, mouth agape, looking at him in awe, they stare at each other for a few more moments before his shock subsides, "Are you going to get off me anytime soon?" He growls out, causing Pete to quickly scurry out of his lap, apologizing, he ignores Pete's apology, jumping out of his chair, looking around rapidly in different directions, for what Pete assumes to be his glasses, Pete notices them sitting beside his feet, bending over to pick them up, he reluctantly steps over to the man, tapping on his shoulder.

The man turns around, and scowls, "What the hell do you want, now?" He demands, Pete scrunches his face up in fear, even though the man is smaller than him in size, he's extremely intimidating, Pete slowly pushes the glasses forward, "H-here." He mumbles out, "I-I'm s-sorry." He ducks his head, and turns around, beginning to do the walk of shame, freezing when a hand grabs at his arm, and a mouth whispers softly against his ear, making him shiver, "It's okay." The hand disappears, Pete waits a few moments, before whirling around...The man's gone.

New idea and idk tbh

The Silence in my head is deafening (Peterick)Where stories live. Discover now