Another Man Crush Calls For Another Heartbreak

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did you guess?

I mean it's pretty obvious.


And some other idiots, whatevs.

Short chap tho, starting off slow, but they'll get longer as I continue...Hopefully.

Patrick's in a predicament at the moment, contemplating, pondering over how forward it would be to actually admit those certain...emotions, yeah lets go with that, emotions gnawing at the back of his brain.

You see, Patrick's got an infatuation with a certain fucking nerd and yeah, it's pretty obvious who it is. Crystal fucking clear honestly.

It's been a few months since that dreadful and unfortunate meeting. Patrick's pretty sure he made up for it though, he bought Pete pizza, that's like the best thing you could do--for Pete that is. Him accepting Patrick's apology was automatic, lets just put it that way.

"Brendon, what the fuck do I even do?" And the only response Patrick obtains is Brendon giving him a lazy shrug. "Wow, you're so helpful, any more wisdom for me Dumbledore?"

"I don't understand how people think you're intimidating." Patrick snorts at that, what a marvel it is truly that a guy who's short--yeah he's admitting it, and has the last name of "Stump" is petrifying, how hilarious. Patrick's in tears, but y'know spiritually.

Patrick repeated Brendon's motion, shrugging and grimacing at the same time. "Maybe it's the metal lodged into my face, or the fact that I'm sheathed in tattoos, or--"

  "The constant hats you wear, or like those ridiculous baggy hoodies, seriously dude..." And okay, insulting Patrick's just something...that you don't do, because well...rude.  

"I think you're jealous," Patrick says, while bunching the cotton material in his palms. Crooning softly in assurance that yes, his hoodies are perfection in every single way possible...and Brendon can go off and fuck himself sideways with a fork.


"So, are you gonna help me or....?--actually I'll just go to Andy, hopefully that cotton candy ordeal is done and forever forgotten."

Brendon's jaw drops at that, and then he smacks a hand precisely to the middle of his chest in offense. "I am heart broken you'd say that, you don't even know--"

"Exactly, don't tell me," Patrick waves him off, squinting his eyes for a moment, he continues, "All I know is that it was so obviously your fault."

Brendon's nostrils flared in fury and his fingers clenched, digging into the wooden table.

"Okay, you want to know what happened, what happened was--" And then a phone rings...that's just so typical, Brendon just not turning the sound off to his own phone, like honestly what a douchba--oh it's his phone, whoops.

"Oh," Patrick mumbles, staring at the name aligned across his phone from a text message. Brendon's eyebrows furrow and he leans over to catch a glance, and now he's laughing, at Patrick, does he want to die? Patrick thinks so.

"Really dude? You made his contact 'Buttercup'," and it's not a question, it's a fucking accusation. Patrick's none too comfortable with this situation. "Fuck you, I saw Ryan's contact, glitter? How lame, seriously--"

"I bet Pete would be hot in glitter..." Brendon murmurs, a grin curling upon his face, wide and very distasteful for Patrick in particular. "You have a boyfriend," Patrick points out and Brendon shrugs, again.

"Ryan might be down for a threesome, I mean--"

"I'm gonna stop you right there, no."


"No, and if I have to say no one more time, your favorite coffee mug is gonna be in shards and pieces, like the bones to your jaw if you keep this shit up." Patrick hisses and Brendon raises his hands up in surrender. "I think I understand now why people think you're scary."

"That's a relief, how far do I have to go to prove that I'm not a fucking baby rabbit, fuck."

A laugh immediately leaves Brendon, so powerful and equipped with force he almost falls out of his chair. "Hey Patrick," He says, still traces of laughter left clear in his voice, and the punk braces himself for impact.

"You are a rabbit," Brendon nods, "and when you finally grow some balls and fuck Pete, you'll be a blue rabbit fuc--" Holy shit.

"Please no, I'm eating, just..." Patrick attempts to protest this horrific pun, oh my god, he's never been more ashamed of the people he chooses to keep company with.

Also that song, just thinking about it sends a shudder throughout the entirety of his body. Although Brendon's not having any of it.

"Blue rabbits fucking, Patrick!" Brendon belts out, seemingly ready to serenade Patrick with his own shame and he kind of wants to die.

"Fuck you, fuck that song, fuck your boyfriend, but most of all fuck Pete." Patrick growls, shoving away his plate of jam coated toast.

"Are you gonna? Or can I?" Brendon smirks, leaning in. Patrick backs away, narrowing his eyes. Ignoring Brendon, his eyes flick downward and his fingers graze over the phone's screen to open the previous message.

Buttercup: Sup bluejay. Meet at the mall. The tree is coming, but we can ditch nd we cn chill at the record store while u get a bner ovr all the prince.

 Patrick snorts and softly sighs. Pete's clearly more comfortable with him as of late. Once again they clicked. Almost as if they're best friends now. That would be great...y'know if Patrick didn't see Pete as total date material, but whatever. 


"Oh my god he knows about your man crush." Brendon says in awe, head propped over Patrick's shoulder. "Well...not your man crush, but--"

"Oh my god, fuck off Brendon," Patrick groans, sliding out of his chair, making Brendon stumble in the process. "That's what your ass gets."

And then Patrick's striding out of the the room, ignoring Brendon's grumbles of mediocre insults at best, but that's just Patrick's opinion.

Patrick's totally gonna kick Brendon's ass for the blue rabbit joke later though.

However he kicks Brendon's ass on a regular basis.

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