That secret is mine to keep, and yours to earn.

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If you asked what Patrick's favorite month was, he'd tell you December, reason being is that he's loved winter since he was just a small boy, the faint aroma of burning firewood in the sky, the sight of icicles bleeding down tree branches, and dripping off from gutters.

It's the season where everyone, and everything seems to just go to sleep, stress evaporates, eyes brighten, children cry out in happiness when snow days are announced.  The roads are icy, sidewalks slick, snowflakes coating the windshields of cars. 

The satisfying crunch beneath Patrick's shoes, snow softening from the blow of his step. The imprint of his feet quickly being overlapped by a fresh new sheet of snow. Constantly testing the chill of the air by exhaling, and feeling vibrant when it finally becomes visible.

Drinking a steaming mug of hot chocolate, whilst being curled up by the fireplace, for all these reasons, Patrick would gladly choose winter before summer, another one being that he can disguise himself as much as he wants without being drenched in sweat, while during the summer he's constantly identified, because he'd rather not die from a heat stroke.

All winter obsessions aside, the day is beautiful the sun is shining, snow shimmering, almost blinding from the light reflecting off of it, and that special winter scent getting stronger than ever, yet Patrick couldn't care less, his mind too busy, stuck on the events from last night, he clenches his jaw, grinding his teeth, irritated by the fact that he was recognized, but more so from the way he reacted, the poor guy looked absolutely petrified,  and Patrick really can't blame him. He's aware of his appearance, and he certainly doesn't look like the cuddly type, nor is he actually, well...It depends.

Patrick knows he's not the most approachable guy, but scaring people is definitely not on his agenda. Sighing, he stirs the hazelnut flavoring in his coffee gently, currently sitting at the table in his kitchen.

He gazes out the window, contemplating on what he should do today, being it's one of his days off. He squints his eyes, when he notices a cat pawing it's way through his backyard, grinning, he shakes his head, taking a sip of his coffee, he's got a giant appreciation for cats, adoring them because of their sarcastic nature, not necessarily because he's a cat person, for one thing he's not the best at taking care of animals, especially with the lack of time in his present position, unfortunately for him.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Patrick remembers he does in fact have plans this weekend, thinking it's to visit a friend? Or is it a get together? He's not sure. He hasn't seen the guy in practically forever, possibly a year ago?

Maybe he should buy a gift, what would he even buy? He hums softly, going in for another mouthful of coffee, wincing when it burns the roof of his mouth, he swallows the liquid roughly, sliding out of his chair, he searches through the cupboard, eyes widening in delight when he finds his favorite cereal, grabbing at it, he crosses the room to snag a recently washed bowl from the sink.

Skipping back to the table, he pours his cereal and grabs the milk, previously used to add to his coffee, spilling in a small amount, before setting it back down.

He sits back in his chair, picking up a spoon to satiate his hunger. He looks up when he hears a faint whistling, as a shirtless Brendon saunters in, with a satisfied grin on his face and, wait a minute, Patrick's eyes widen in terrified realization, when he hears light footsteps coming from upstairs, well, now he knows what that racket was last night.

"You did not have a one night stand in our house." Patrick says in disbelief, mouth agape.

Brendon shrugs, "I did not have a one night stand in our house." He repeats, opening the fridge and taking out a carton of orange juice

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