Those Seven Minutes Are Gonna Be The Death Of Me.

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Patrick's pretty sure he wants to die, he's come to sudden realization that Pete Wentz is an adorable human being and he's at a high risk of being infatuated with the introverted boy, yet once you get to know him, he's not so shy, or quiet for that matter, he's a tiny bundle of noise, loud braying laughs, throw in several toothy smiles, Patrick even scored a few, it didn't at all make his head feel woozy, or his heart pound rapidly, nope..He'd never admit it anyway.

Pete's loud, and obnoxious, with a blinding smile, and Patrick can't help but find every attribute of his endearing, he's never been good with feeling like this or even really skillful with words, which doesn't end well when he tries to flirt with people he's attracted to, it usually just ends up with him coming off as creepy and getting shunned, once again he's a puddle of failure.

He got lucky with his previous relationship, or should he say unlucky, that relationship ended in flames, literally, there's a reason why Patrick's wardrobe consists of only hoodies.

It's rather absurd that Patrick's the one who got hurt and the one who ended up with property damage, if anyone it should've been him setting the others belongings ablaze, though he's a little too high and mighty for that, besides he doesn't need that in an article...He can't even imagine how that would turn out.

Rolling his eyes, he tries to angle his attention back to reality instead of his deranged mind.

They've been wasting time in Joe's room for about an hour, Patrick's fairly sure he just heard a shriek and something shatter, but that's just Joe's parties for you, a vast amount of people have actually left, probably to finish the night off with a miserable one night stand, He's been there before.

Pete and him are actually hitting it off, Well, that's what he thinks, Pete could definitely be pretending to like him and Patrick would have no clue, his confidence level is questionable..

Nevertheless Pete's someone who interests Patrick, and hopefully he can gain a phone number by the end of the night, whether they become friends or something more.

Patrick swallows hard at the thought, head dizzy, and stomach warmer than usual but, that could just be the two bottles of beer Joe talked him into drinking half an hour ago, "Loosen up." He'd said, fuckin' peer pressure, Patrick thought that shit ended after high school, he doesn't even like beer god damn it, ironically enough he discovered this little fact at a party when he was sixteen, he also doesn't handle alcohol very well, it just makes him feel more drained than usual, then again he's always tired.

Patrick sighs, eyelids drooping, while he stretches his legs, he probably should've told Joe that beer doesn't make him loosen up but, instead drowsy, he makes an attempt to hold back a yawn, yet failing miserably.

He covers his mouth as a reflex to muffle said yawn, eyes watering. Pete gives him an odd expression, "Trick, You alright?" Voice wavering slightly, He nudges Patrick's shoulder.

Patrick nods, lips curling into a small smile. If Pete's somewhat worried about him, he's on the right track, at least y'know, he thinks.

"I'm fine, just a little exhausted." He answers, bumping his arm into Pete's, Pete grins, opening his mouth to reply, though no sound has the chance to depart because Brendon so kindly interrupts, "You guys are boring as shit, can we like..Do something?"

"Something?" Gabe echos, "Like what?" He asks, Brendon hums, giving what Patrick thinks is probably the weirdest thinking face he's ever seen before. Throwing his arms up in the air, Brendon says "I have the greatest idea of all great ideas, 'cause it's great like me." He grins, wiggling his feet in excitement.

Patrick frowns, "Oh really? Do tell." He's rather skeptical, because well, it's Brendon, can you blame him?

"Spin the bottle!" He declares, grinning like he's a genius. Andy shuts his eyes, bringing a hand up to his forehead.

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