Chapter VI

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(Still August 6, 2003)

When Hermione woke, she was back at work, but she had become a patient. She looked around the white hospital room and saw that she was alone. Wondering if her baby was okay, she lifted her hands to her abdomen and looked toward the equipment she was attached to. When she caught sight of the fetal heart monitor, her body relaxed, and she listened to the healthy rhythmic beeping for a few moments.

There was a commotion out in the hallway, and she turned her head. The door of the room had a window, and through it, she spotted a tall, blond-haired man arguing with Healer Magdalene and a nurse. Draco. It sent a flutter through her heart and questions through her mind.

The handle on the door turned, but only Magdalene entered. Draco's eyes found hers through the open door, but it closed and locked before either could react to the other.

"How do you feel, Hermione?" Magdalene asked, approaching the bed.

"I feel fine," she replied, looking away from the door. "But what happened exactly? Why is Draco here?"

Magdalene explained what had brought her in—and who. "You fainted, likely due to stress. Mr. Malfoy was telling me about how he found you surrounded by reporters and cameramen." She raised her eyebrow at Hermione. "I warned you this would happen, Hermione."

"I know you did."

"I think you should take a few days off, just to let this whole media thing cool down."

"You know I can't do that, Magdalene," Hermione fought. "I need to save as much money as I can."

The Healer sighed. "I get that. I do. But right now, you and your baby are front-page, hot-off-the-presses news, and everyone wants to know details about your pregnancy. And they won't quit until they have them, accurate or inaccurate."

"I can deal with it."

"Hermione, I don't doubt that you are strong enough to evade the vulturous prying, but as your Healer, your boss, and your friend, I'm telling you to wait it out for at least one week."


"Then if everything has calmed down enough, you can come back and pick up where you left off," Magdalene promised. "I will continue to pay you during your break, but the maximum I'm allowed to give you is two-thirds of your current salary." Her face softened when she saw the distress in Hermione's face. "I'm sorry, Hermione, but if you react this badly to one day of this, imagine how the rest of the week would make you feel. It's in your best interest."

Hermione's eyes filled with tears and she turned away from Magdalene.

"What shall I do about Mr. Malfoy?" Magdalene motioned to the pair of gray eyes staring in through the window. Hermione didn't budge, and Magdalene sat on the bed next to her. Whispering, she asked, "Hermione, is he the father?"

Hermione closed her tear-filled eyes and hesitantly nodded. "Please don't tell anyone. I haven't even told him yet," she whispered.

"I told you before, Hermione: I will keep your secrets because I'm your friend and because I trust you and your judgment. I mean, I have to if you're going to be my replacement."

"What?" Hermione looked up.

"Oh, didn't I mention before? I'm almost ready to retire, and I have been watching everyone to see who I want to promote to be the next Head Healer, and I have chosen you."

"Really?" she was shocked but flattered. "Oh my, thank you so much, Maggie! I promise I'll not make you regret this decision."

"I know, Hermione, but I need you in good health, so take the week to relax. Then we can start your direct training when you return." They hugged and Magdalene stood to leave.

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