Arima x Reader [Requested]

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I'm going to say this before hand, I tried my best, Arima is kind of a hard character to portray well for me. But anywayyyy onto the story.

It was so long ago you couldn't even remember. You were walking down the CCG headquarters corridors, thinking about the past. For the millionth time today. You wish you could see him, but he was the God of killing the Ghouls which meant he was always busy.

It's been several years since you've seen your old friend, Arima. You only faintly remembered what he looked like. You moved from Tokyo to Osaka when you were younger and since then you haven't seen him. But you came back almost 6 months ago, and joined the CCG. You didn't even know if Arima knew you were here. If he did he'll sure come to see you right?

You were currently in a meeting. They were talking about some Ghouls and everything, but you weren't really paying attention. You were a Rank 1 Investigator. You were dozing off into your thoughts, when Akira started to talk to you.

"Hey, (y/n)? You really need to start paying attention, but anyway you have to work with Arima on a case." She said bluntly. You looked up at her quickly. Nobody knew you used to be friends with him. But even though in the inside you were excited to see your old friend, on the outside you had to remain calm.

"Oh is that so? I guess that means I'm good huh?" You said with a big smile.

"Oh my god (y/n) no that's not why. It's cause Arima requested you to work with him." She said with a sly smile. Akira was your best friend, so she had suspicious of you and Arima.

Your eyes went wide. Wait he knew you were working here? How long has he knew? Why hasn't he came to see you before? All these questions were swirling around in you head.

"Wait, when is this?" You asked her, extremely interested.

"Well if you were paying attention you would know. But, it's tonight actually. You have to meet him in his office. It's weird that he only asked you to be on this mission and nobody else." She said while tilting her head and smirking. Wait did she know you knew Arima? You were so confused with the whole situation.

You packed up your things and quickly hurried off to your office. When you got to your office you put your things down and sat on the floor, with your hands covering your face. For some reason your heart was racing. Was it because you haven't seen him in a LONG time and your seeing him again? Anxiety? Or something else? You mentally face palmed yourself.

You had to admit. Before you left to Osaka, you had a crush on Arima. But you never got to tell him. You let out a sigh and looked at the time. It read 8:25 P.M.

*I don't even know what time I'm suppose to be at his office. I should really start paying attention in meetings.* You thought. You decided to go to his office at 9:00.

When it got to 8:50 that's when you started to make your way to his office. There wasn't a lot of people here, since they were all out Ghoul hunting. When you arrived at his office you stood there.

*What should I say? Do I wait for him to speak? Omg this is so frustrating!* You screamed in your head.

But you swung open his door, and walked in. He was sitting on his desk so he looked up. He saw you and had the straightest face. He use to smile what happened? You stood there kind of feeling awkward cause he was staring at you. You looked to the floor, this was extremely uncomfortable.

"Well you're eager to be here. I told Akira to tell you to meet me here at 10. Not 9." He said with no emotion. You looked up really fast.

*This is why I should really pay attention in meetings.* You thought.

"Well.....I wasn't paying attention in the meeting...and uh... I didn't get the time." You replied, embarrassed. He probably thought you were unprofessional now.

"I would expect that from you. You never really payed attention before either." He said. It was the way he said "before" that made you confused. You couldn't put your finger on what it meant. It was a mix of emotions.

"But um Akira said that you requested me to go kill ghouls with you?" You said with a question. Because the way he was looking, looked like he wasn't moving for a while.

"Yes, that's what I told her. But that's not the real reason." He said and stood up. He looked out the window. "I wanted to catch up with you. It's been a while since we've seen each other last. I'll have to say, I was extremely surprised to see you joined the CCG." He said, but didn't look at you.

You walked over to him and looked out the window. It was beautiful out. The lights of Tokyo shines bright at night. Then you noticed how tall Arima was. You were so short compared to him. "Well, I joined cause I wanted to help. I wanted to protect the humans from the ghouls....and well I also heard you were working here...." You mumbled the last part.

He chuckled. Which made you look up at him, then he stared down at you. "I'll have to say I missed you to. You were always so happy and cheerful, working here you don't see people like that a lot. I'm glad you haven't changed." Then he went back to his desk. You followed and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

For the next 2-3 hours you two where just talking about the old times. Sure he did change, from he's attitude, to his hair color but your feelings for him where still there. You looked at the time and realized it was almost midnight.

"Well I think I should be getting home." You said kinda sad. Arima just nodded. When you were about to leave he said;

"(Y/n), I'll like to talk to you more if you don't mind? I missed your company." He said warmly with a smile.

You nodded, "Yeah, I'll like that." Then you headed home. When you got home you flopped on your bed, and smiled. Maybe he hasn't changed after all.

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