So? What's the plan... No Idea

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"What! There has to be something we can do to save her right doctor?" Rose asked worried the doctor was very silent the he jumped up and said "of course there is I'm the doctor and you know what im not giving up easily Rose tyler" Rose smiled at the doctor while cradling Emily in her arms "how are you going to do that though doctor?" Rose asked looking at Emily with care "I'm going to bounce back the signal to the daleks and redirect it to a stone building high up in the air where the daleks will focus there attention on it and then we'll go down to there ship and destroy it from the inside."

"What about Emily?" "I don't know" the doctor replied "but we just have to figure out why they want this little girl so badly" Rose looked down at the girl and sighed. "How are we going to do that?" Rose asked. "No idea" the doctor smiled  amused  At his answer. Rose of the him with concern , The doctor quickly realizes and gives her a comforting smile "I mean how hard can it be?" Rose didn't feel and more better with that answer so the doctor stops. "Emily" rose said trying to get her  attention Emily looked up at rose groggly. Rose felt bad for her and gave her a comforting hug.

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