Chapter Fifteen

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~Andy Biersack~

"Andy...I lost the baby."
And with that statement, my whole world came crashing down right before my eyes. A singled tear rolled down Juliet's face. My baby, my son, my daughter, was gone. I had this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was missing a big part of me. It was never there, but now it never will be.
"Please..." I pleaded. "Please tell me this is just some sick dream and I'm asleep right now. Please, please. God Juliet...please."
"I'm sorry," Juliet whispered.
I raked a hand through my raven hair and glued my eyes to the blind-covered window in the bus. I blinked back the tears in my eyes as another tear rolled down Juliet's cheek. I swallowed a sob and waited for someone to come save me from reality.
It didn't take long for Batgirl to come to the rescue. Jade pulled her sister into her arms and rubbed circles on her back. I guess being there with Jade did something to Juliet because she broke out into sobs. I stared at the window and Juliet's whimpers and cries became like a melody to me.
The next hour became like a blur to me. All that was heard were Juliet's broken sobs and all that was seen was the bus window.

-That Night-
~Jade Aslenna Simms~

I sat in the back on the bus with my sister. Pitch Perfect played on the flat screen. I held a bowl of cookie dough ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other. Juliet's head rested on my shoulder. All the guys had gone out. They were lucky the show wasn't until tomorrow because Andy would cancel, no doubt. I imagine Andy was in some club replacing the blood flowing through his veins with alcohol. I'm sure I'd be taking care of one hell of a hangover in the morning.
Juliet was leaving around three in the morning. I was driving her to the airport. Hopefully, the boys will be back by then. It was going on midnight now. Juliet's doctors wanted to run some tests. She wasn't allowed to have anything to drink but water so, I was hiding the Jack Daniel's in a Tervis cup a fan had given Ash, claiming it was coffee to give me energy. I would replace with the whiskey with coffee after I finish it, because I didn't need a DUI when I take Juliet to the airport, but I sure as hell needed some caffeine in my system so I'll last tonight. Juliet was still pretty much oblivious. Her eyes stayed pointed at the TV and she only talked when she wanted more ice cream. She was a mess and I wasn't sure if I trusted to leave her by herself at the airport. But, I had to. I had already arranged for our mom to pick her up. I was worried about Andy. Juliet was right here with me but, Andy- he wasn't.
"Ice cream," Juliet whined.
I gave Juliet a bite of ice cream and took a sip of Jack Daniel's. It had become a habit of Andy's to buy me whiskey every week. Of course, he thought it was a little strong for me, but cigarettes and alcohol pretty much raised me. There wasn't much I couldn't take. I returned my gaze to the TV, and tried to focus on that but, my thoughts kept wandering back to Andy. I was really worried about him. Now I know how he feels after a small argument with me. He doesn't trust me to be alone after some small bickering between the two of us. I was not the type to stay anywhere in the vicinity of Andy after a fight. I would usually just wander the streets until Ashley, or sometimes Jinxx found me. Andy always sent someone out to find me. He was always scared I would hurt myself, but I'm done with that. That's the past.
"Jade, ice cream," my sister fussed.
I gave her another bite and took a sip of my drink. It was like a routine. I would give Juli ice cream and then, I would take a sip of my drink. Pitch Perfect ended and I got up, placing Juliet's head on a pillow. I grabbed Marley & Me and looked at Juliet, flashing the case in her direction. She nodded in approval and I shoved it in the DVD player, placing Pitch Perfect in it's case and on the movie shelf. I pressed play and took the empty bowl of ice cream into the kitchen part of the bus. I poured out the remains of the whiskey in the Hello Kitty cup and re-filled it with coffee.
I walked back to the back of the bus and saw Juliet laid out on the couch. I picked up her legs and sat down, then, let her legs back down onto her lap. Marley & Me was just beginning to play when my phone rang and a picture I had taken months ago at a party with BVB flashed on the screen.
I answered quickly with a smile on my face, "Kellin!"
"JADE!" he screamed.
"Hey," I laughed.
"How's life treating you, beautiful?" he asked.
I sighed, "Eh..."
I could hear the smile in his voice as he said, "Aw, cheer up buttercup!"
I smiled and he continued, "So what are you doing?"
"Just sitting around with Juliet. What about you?" I asked.
"Chilling with Cope," he told me happily. "We got a break on tour."
I nodded, "Explains why you're so happy. So what possessed you to call me?"
"Copeland fell asleep, and you're the next best thing," he laughed.
I scoffed, "I see where I stand."
"Jade," he said. "I just rolled my eyes."
I laughed and said, "Okay, well bye."
"Bye," Kellin laughed, hanging up.
Juliet looked away from the TV and asked warily, "Who was that?"
"Kellin," I mumbled.
"Quinn?" she asked, sitting up.
I nodded, "Yup."
"He was cool," she told me. "I only met him once."
I nodded and my phone rang again. It was Ashley.
"I do not have the time to waste dealing with his drunk ass," I muttered under my breath but, answered nonetheless.
I held the phone to my ear, "Ash, is there something you need?"
"Obviously," he mumbled, soberness haunting his voice. "Why the fuck else would I be calling you?"
"Well damn," I muttered. "Someone's on their man period."
He sighed, obviously not in the mood for me to act childish.
"Two questions," I told him. "One, why aren't you drunk and two, what's wrong?"
"Two answers," he replied. "One, because. Two, it's Andy."

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