Chapter 22

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~Juliet Simms~

"Jade?" I asked.
"Hey," she breathed.
What the hell? I pressed FaceTime and the call was answered quickly.
Jade sat holding Andy's phone. My boyfriend's head was on her shoulder and he was staring up at her as she nervously chewed at her lip.
"Why-" I started to speak but, the call began to buffer. Then, it ended. I closed FaceTime and started to angrily text Andy. I knew he wouldn't answer for a while.

~Andy Biersack~

"Andy!" Jade yelled.
When the call started to buffer, I took the chance to end it. I couldn't do this...I wouldn't. I loved Jade and I knew I had promised her but, I've promised Juliet things too, like never to cheat or leave her. I knew this situation would only break her heart and I couldn't stand that. A piece of me would always love her. As much as I hated that, it was the truth. I also felt like I needed to protect Jade. I knew what would happen when this whole thing got out. People would hate Jade so much, and Juliet would only pour gasoline on that fire. Juliet was a nice, understanding person, but she didn't stand for liars or betrayal, even for family. It would ruin their relationship, and from what I could tell, I knew they were close. I just felt like this secret becoming known would break so many fragile relationships in her life. Some people offer acceptance, but some people don't. I knew what happened when Jade was put under pressure or stress piled up on her plate. She turned to the worst thing possible, hurting herself. I already felt guilty enough about the falling out before Juliet was hospitalized. Not to mention the times before that. I wasn't protecting her then, I couldn't, and it wasn't fair, but like she had said so many times before, "as much as you want to change the past, you can't". Jade meant so much to me, and to see her sad, it hurt, a whole lot. I knew that if we told Juliet, Jade could go back down the wrong path. I would never be able to live with myself if anything happened to her. It would be my fault.
"I'm sorry," I sighed.
She turned and stomped upstairs. I knew how this went. When Jade got mad, I was to leave her the hell alone. She would come find me when she was okay. She had a bad temper and that's why our fights are so bad. I could hear her pacing around upstairs and my phone was blowing up with messages from Juliet. She was probably pissed. I just sighed and sat back, thinking.
Jade was back down and stood across the room. "Alright. I know you too well, Andy. What's going on? Do you love my sister?"
Jade put her hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes at me.
I just needed to be honest with her. "I guess I always will. But, I love you, too. Too much to lose you and I...I just don't know what I want. It's a lot to deal with Jade. I love you so, so much though and I can't stand the fact of not being with you, but I know how much it'll hurt Juliet, and I don't-"
Jade cut me off. "This isn't Sister Wives, Andrew."
She called me Andrew. I knew I was in trouble now. Jade personally hated the name Andrew, so she always called me Andy, but when she was mad, she called me by my given name.
"I know, but-"
"You know," Jade continued, not allowing me to speak, "if you have loved Juliet all this time, and you say you always will, then maybe you should've told me. I can't do this, Andy. If you love someone else, then so will I. I'll find someone."
"That's the problem, though," I sighed. "I don't want you with anyone else but, me. Okay, Jade? I love you."
She bit down on her lip and sighed, "I'm sorry, Andy. When you figure out what you want, give me a call."

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