Chapter 30

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~Jade Simms~

The sun was rising and shades of orange and variations of pinks filled the sky. I stood on the deck that hovered over the lake that stretched over the land in my dad's backyard. A cup of coffee sat on the rail in front of me with steam still rising from the drink. My oversized sweater hung off my shoulders and covered my underwear. Birds were singing. Relief coursed through my body at the sight and feel of it all. There were no screaming fans or clicking cameras. I had no reason to constantly be on guard. Here I was at home, and I never wanted to leave.
Dinner was cancelled last night because of a storm near my aunt's house. We didn't need to be driving through it. I dreaded them rescheduling but, I doubted they would. My family didn't have a strong desire to do things together because in all honesty, we hate each other's guts. Andy had been relieved. He didn't want to meet my family that would judge him by the way he looked.
I could tell Andy was ready to get back on the road. He was excited to have a break, but he loves performing and making music. Now, he was in the house sleeping. Last night had been rough. I never ended up getting to sleep. Of course, Andy had been fine and went to bed around ten. I took a sip of coffee and heard the doors open. I turned around, expecting to see Andy.
It wasn't Andy, though.
"Hey Daddy," I said.
"Jade," he smiled.
He walked to stand beside me. "Why are you up so early?"
"I didn't sleep last night," I yawned.
He leaned against the railing and looked out over the lake, "So when are you planning on leaving?"
"Tomorrow," I sighed.
"It's nice having you here. Maddy seems to like you a lot."
"Andy just has to get back on tour."
"You don't," my dad pointed out.
"Yeah, but I love Andy. I want to be with him. I was miserable the last time we were apart."
"I know, darling. I just never get to see you now that you're with him," my dad sighed.
I took a sip of coffee and sighed. "Sorry."
"It's alright. You're young and in love."
I smiled and heard the sliding doors open again. I turned around and saw my boyfriend in a pair of Batman sweat. I smiled at him. His hair was going in every direction and he had drool on the corner of his mouth. He looked up and his eyes widened, "Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something?"
"Not at all," Dad smiled.
"Hey baby," I grinned.
Andy walked to me and hugged my tightly, "Good morning sunshine."
"Is that all I get?" I laughed. "No morning breath, sleepy kisses?"
He looked over at my dad and he chuckled a little before going inside. "Don't mind me."
The second my dad was out of sight, Andy lifted me up and sat me on the ledge of the porch. His lips met mine and I leaned into the kiss. Andy moved down and started to nibble at my neck just under my ear.
"Someone slept well," I laughed and laced my legs around his waist. He smiled and I felt his tongue on my skin. I closed my eyes and tangled my fingers in his black hair.
Andy pulled on the bottom of my sweater.
"We're outside on my father's deck, Andy! No!" I laughed.
He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. He whined, "Whyyyy?"
"Stop whining! You're twenty four years old!"
He whined some more and I rolled my eyes.
We sat there in silence for a little while before Andy said, "You seem tired."
"I didn't sleep last night."
"Hmm," he said. "You want to go inside and see of you can sleep now?"
"Okay," I mumbled.
He picked me up and I grabbed my coffee. We reached the bedroom in now time. I sat my coffee down and crawled into the bed. Andy was quick to join me. I curled up under the blankets and laid my head on my boyfriend's chest. I close my eyes and breathed in the scent of tobacco that lingered on Andy.
After a few minutes of not being able to sleep, I looked up at Andy, who was just staring down at me. His eyes lit up when they met mine. "Well, hello there gorgeous."
I smiled, "Will you sing to me?"
"What do you want me to sing?"
"How about Lost It All?"
He started to sing and I started to drift off to sleep.
"I ruled the world..."

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