Untitled by Simple Plan- Song Preference

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I open my eyes I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light. I can't remember how, I can't remember why. I'm lying here tonight.
Luke wakes up and immediately reaches for you-almost by instinct- until he realises you're gone. He buries his face in his pillow hoping that when he looks up again you'll be there, sound asleep, like you should be. But Luke knows all too well you meant it when you said "I'm sorry, Luke. But-but I can't do this anymore." The most cliché breakup line ever used. He had only heard it in movies and read it in books but finally hearing it in his face, Luke understood how it felt to be that guy. The guy left with the pieces of his heart in his hands that were broken by the one that was meant to bring joy and love to it. You.

He checks his phone and is blinded by the bright light while scrolling through you're previous messages to him. All the I love you's and the countless I miss you's constantly appear.
Did she stop loving me?
Was I not there enough?
Did she find someone else?
Thoughts flood Luke's mind with different questions and answers. But there's one question he doesn't even dare to think about,
Will she come back?
And I can't stand the pain. And I can't make it go away. No, I can't stand the pain.
Luke tried. He really did. But he never seemed to get the hang of forgetting you because somehow your memory would creep past his weak defences. And each time it'd hurt him even more, leaving a deep wound. As if each memory were a stab to his heart.
Not only was it bad enough that you had seemed to already move on but to see you smile again. To hear your laugh. To see your contagious smile. Your eyes focused on a man's eyes. And he couldn't stand the fact that it wasn't him- and it'd never be him again.
How could this happen to me? I've made my mistakes. Got no where to run. The night goes on as I'm fading away.
He can feel himself fading away as he drowns himself in alcohol and tears. He travels around the world but why does it feel like the walls are closing around him?
When your shadows are the only thing surrounding you what do you do?
As the sun begins to rise and the city starts to wake up Luke's left staring at the door waiting for you to come back.
I'm sick of this life. I just wanna scream. How could this happen to me?
Maybe it's the feeling of heartbreak or the fact that you left him unawares but either way it makes Luke want to puke knowing you're probably sleeping in someone else's arms right now and that he has to wake up everyday counting the minutes it takes him to realise that it's over.
Everybody's screaming. I try to make a sound but nobody hears me.
He's so used to hearing his name constantly being screamed back at his face.
Luke! Luke! I love you!
But all he can think of is the first time you said 'I love you', how your eyes would light up when his name would leave your lips. When you'd speak his name with love instead of hate.
"You 'kay mate?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
I miss her
"Nah it's nothing."
She means everything to me
"No really I don't even give a shit anymore."
I'm hurting
"Yeah I just wanna be alone."
Bring her back
"I got that blonde chick's number."
I still love her.

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