He forgets you on tour

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It had been days after you heard from Luke. And not even that short, fuzzy chat was worth your time. You deserved so much more. To wake up with the same person as you went to sleep with. But here you are waking up by yourself. Everyday. You loved Luke. You loved him so much you put yourself in denial. That was the first stage.

First stage: denial
He's on tour.
He's busy.
No, don't distract him from his work.
He still loves you.
I love him.
You checked his social media. Instagram, facebook, twitter, anything you could find about him, you spent hours and hours reading; desperate for some information. You felt like his crazy stalker fans. Maybe that's all you are to him now. Lost in a sea of strange faces he'd never seen before. Was this really what was left of your relationship-if there was anything left?
Second stage: anger
How dare he? How fucking dare he? He's lucky he's been able to keep you all this time.
I could leave. I could just fucking leave. Start a new life. Actually be happy for once.
But no matter how many times you thought this to yourself you always found yourself coming back to the same old place and staring at the same old pictures. Frozen smiles and eyes glistening with happiness. Back to when hearts weren't broken and you knew that every night you'd go to sleep with Luke. And everyday you'd wake up with him and fall in love with him all over again.
You decided to try call Luke. The suspense of the never ending rings almost had you in tears. You debate whether you just hang up, pack your bags and leave or keep holding on to that tiny thread of hope.
One ring, two rings oh my fucking god Luke, three rings, fou-
He picked up. He fucking picked up. Oh my God.
"It's me." The silence grew. Longer and longer.
"Yeah. Yeah I know." He slightly chuckled. "What do you want?" The anger immediately grew. It spread threw your veins.
"What do I want? Are you fucking serious Luke? I want a boyfriend that's always here you fuckwit! And don't tell me that it's not your fault okay? I get it. I really do. But a call or a text would be nice once in a while you asshole! How dare you just leave me here like a stray dog? Did you forget? Did you really forget me?" Tears filled your eyes. You could barely finish the sentence without hysterically crying.
"No! I'm so fucking done!" You hung up the phone violently. You'd had enough. It was time to leave and move on.
Stage three: despair
It was as if you were grieving but what was lost, you didn't know. Your relationship with Luke? Your happiness? Or maybe it was just you. Your inner self was dead. You'd only give away fake smiles and teary eyes. The only words to leave you lips were dry, dull and it killed you every time to say.
I'm fine.
Stage four: Acceptance
It was just a phase.
Your heart had finally thawed from its frozen form. You could finally look into another man's eyes and properly say "I love you." And see his eyes light up. Not through a screen or through a broken phone line, but to really here his loving, sincere words.
I love you too.
All until you'd unknowingly find Luke's oceanic eyes- and this time his eyes were watering with tears.
Hey guys, I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in so long but a lot of stuff has happened :) anyway this is just part one and part two will be up soon. I promise?? Anyway that's why I finished it off with a cliffhanger :) and thanks for the reads by the way! X

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