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Please read authors note down below! Enjoy!
Everything about him drives you in insane. From the way he runs his fingers through his coarse hair to that stupid smile of his that always manages to leave you in a lovesick state. You can't help but find yourself thinking about him all day; his smile, his laugh, his voice, everything about him just makes you collapse into a pool of mixed emotions. How is it that a single human being can paralyse you like this? Everyday you fall further into the dangerous void that is known as love. You feel blessed to be able to wake up to him every morning with him always staring back at you. His eyes so oceanic you could drown in them. Every word that slips from his lips makes you want to crumble under his touch. All of his I love you texts never disappoint you. Each time feeling like the first time he did.

But then reality hits you. He's not there when you wake up, only a crinkled poster of him hanging crookedly on your wall. You wake up to a cold bed, absent of any boy and certainly not Luke. You imagine yourself seeing his eyes shimmer in the light, yet it will forever remain a figment of your lonely mind. Every word he says leaves you feeling lovesick yet it's only every been through a flickering screen. Countless amounts of interviews and concerts yet never in person. Never face to face; heart to heart. And maybe you'd really be crazy in love from his texts if they weren't just tweets, viewed and admired by every other fangirl. They weren't to you. They were to all the other girls that are going insane for him and you just happen to fall into that category. But that's all you are to him- and to everyone else too. A category. A label. A number.
"How's it feel to have millions of girls be in love with you?"
"This fandom is crazy for you!"
"I love you guys so much!"
He never was and never will be talking to you. And as tears roll down your cheek, your phone lights up.
@ Luke5SOS just tweeted!
You wipe away the tears, unlock your phone and begin your endless routine all over again.

hey guys! I'm back! I know it's been ages but so much has been happening and I've been meaning to write but I just haven't gotten used to the routine of writing. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy in update and I really hope that I haven't upset any of you guys. I just wanted to write about the reality of being a fangirl, please don't take any of it to heart. Always have hope! I promise you that you'll meet your fave soon! ;) anyway I'll try update soon. (Soon meaning 2 months probably) but I just wanted to treat you guys and let yous know that I'm not dead!! Love you! Remember to smile, stay hydrated and happy <3 thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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