CHAPTER 36 - The Plan

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I chased Liam as he chased Louis who ran out of the bus. "Louis!" Liam called, which caused Louis to pull to a stop. We all stopped and stood facing each other. "What?!" Louis snapped, folding his arms defensively over his chest.

"Why'd you run out?" Liam asked, dumbfounded. "Why'd I run out?! I couldn't take it, Liam! Can't you see? This break-up is tearing me apart!" Louis screamed.

"Then why don't you tell her that?! She clearly still loves you!" Liam shouted. "Because I can't! You don't fucking get it, do you?! I can't tell her. I just fucking can't tell her. It's not that easy! Because with Tina's bloody plan and Reese going off to university... It just won't work!" Louis said. My eyes widened in alarm. "Lou-" I tried to warn, but he wouldn't stop to listen.

"What plan?" Liam quizzed. "And what does Reese going off to university have to do with ANYTHING?" he added. Louis bit hard on his lip and intermittently clenched his fists. "Tina... She-" Louis started. "Louis," I hissed, trying to shut him up before it was too late. "Wait, Tina? From management?" Liam asked. Shit, too late.

"Yes, Tina from management. She has this jacked up plan... She wanted me to 'cheat on' Reese with some model," Louis said, disgusted. Liam scowled. "What?! She can't make you do that!" he exclaimed. I groaned, exasperated. None of the other boys were supposed to know about the plan.

"That's what I said! But she threatened me.. She said if I didn't do it, I wouldn't be allowed to perform for the rest of the tour," Louis sighed. Liam furrowed his eyebrows. "Why did she even want you to do it?"

"For publicity," I said. Liam shook his head, angrily. "I'm so sick of our management... Nothing they do benefits us in any way!" he snapped.

"Well, there isn't anything we can do about it," I grumbled. We all stood in silence for god knows how long. "This is bullshit... Absolute bullshit," Louis muttered.

And maybe it was my eyes playing tricks on me, or just my wild imagination, but I could've sworn I saw Louis wipe away a tear.


"Wow, he's hot," I observed. "Pfft. I'm way hotter," Zayn said, causing me to laugh. Zayn, Josh, Niall, and I were all gathered around in the lounge watching 90210 on Netflix.

"Jeez, Annie, don't be an idiot! Just go to San Francisco with Ty, already!" I exclaimed to the TV. "I'll never understand why girls talk to their TV's when they watch chick flicks... The characters can't hear you, you know," Josh chuckled. "It's the same with guys, Josh. I'll never understand why you feel the need to scream and cheer on the players when you're watching sports. They can't hear you either," I said. "Touché," he nodded, making me laugh again.

"Can we watch something else, please?" Niall moaned. I rolled my eyes, "Fine." I tossed the remote to Ni and slouched back into my seat.

Surprisingly, none of the boys were angry with me. Well, I mean, Harry is, and I think Lou might be too, but the rest of them aren't. And I'm so totally relieved about that. But before we all decided to chill in the lounge, they did make me promise not to pull anything like that again. Harry already took the pills away, so I couldn't even if I wanted to.

"You give me that kind of somethin', want it all the time, need it everyday. On a scale of one to ten, I'm at a hundred-" my phone sang out. I grabbed it from the coffee table in front of me and clicked the green button.

"Hello?" I greeted, still clueless to who it was. "REESE! Oh my god, I've missed you!" a familiar British accent chirped. "Cher! Oh my gosh, I've missed you too," I squealed. I noticed Ni tense up when I said this, and he looked down at his feet. I felt a pang in my chest and I slipped him an apologetic smile.

"So, how's the, uh, thing been?" I asked, not wanting to mention the "P" word, since none of the other boys knew about her being pregnant. "Er, okay, I suppose. I've been getting sick on a daily basis now, though. And I've been having so many cravings!" she laughed, though I'm not quite sure how this is funny.

"Oh, um, how lovely. So, what's up?" I asked. "Well... I talked to my tour manager and she said that I can have a five-day break! So I'm flying out to meet you guys at your next city! Where are you headed next, by the way?" Cher asked. "We're leaving for Washington, D.C. tomorrow morning. Not that I don't want to see you... But are you sure this will be a good idea? I mean... You know.." I said, trailing off.

"Yeah, I want to talk to Niall about this whole situation and I'm also planning on telling the boys while I'm there," she said. "Oh, wow! Good for you!" I replied, a little stunned. I didn't think it would be this soon.

"Yes, well, I should get going. I'll talk to you soon, okay?" Cher beamed. "Alright, bye!" I chirped, and hung up.

"Cher's coming to visit while we're in Washington," I hummed, putting my phone back in it's original place. The pain was evident on Niall's face and I seriously felt so bad for the boy.

"Oh, great. Haven't seen her for a while," Josh smiled. "Wait, she's coming while we're in Washington?" Zayn asked. I nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Oh, nothing... Ed's coming, too," Zayn shrugged.



But omg, leave comments below on your opinions and your predictions. Cher and Ed are coming back :o

QOTD: are you a janoskianator? and if you are, is your city unlocked for the #NotABoyBand tour? and if it is, are you going??

TORONTO IS UNLOCKED YO. WOOHOOOO. But I don't know if I can go because I might be on vacation D: if I can't go imma cry like srsly I will cry.

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