CHAPTER 12 - False Accusations

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Recap: "Oh my gosh..." Niall said. "What's wrong, Nialler?" he asked. Niall looked up from his phone and at me. "I-I'm on twitter, and..."


"I'm on twitter, and... I saw this trend. I-It's #ReeseIsASlut, so I-I clicked it and..." the irish boy stammered. My body tensed at the mention of her name. I felt my blood boiling. I noticed Harry's grip on the steering wheel tightened and his knuckles were turning white from the hard grip.

"And what, Nialler?" Liam urged. "-And... there was an article about how she... um, posted nudes to a website-" "WHAT?!" Harry roared, slamming on the brakes, causing us all to lunge forwards. Thank the lord for safety belts.

He pulled over to the side of the road and turned to look at us all who sat in the back, since he was in the driver's seat.

"N-Niall... SHE WHAT?!" he yelled. I was speechless. M-My girlfriend... innocent little Styles girl... she posted nudes?

Niall looked absolutely terrified to be the one to tell us. I don't believe this... I refuse to believe she did this, because this does not sound like my Reese.

"Su-Sugarscape made an article about how she posted it to They took the photos down but you know, a lot of perverted guys probably saved it to their computers already," Niall said. When he said that, a wave of jealousy hit me.

"BLOODY HELL, THEY SHOULD NOT GET TO SEE MY GIRLFRIEND NAKED BEFORE I DO!" I shouted. Harry snapped his gaze to mine, narrowing his eyes at me. I felt myself shrink down a little under his cold stare. "Not. Until. Marriage," he said, through gritted teeth.

I nodded, saluting him, as I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Yes, sir," I joked.

"Hang on, so she really did post those?" Zayn asked, raising his eyebrows. "I don't know, it doesn't seem like her at all. Let's just ask her when we get back to the tour bus," Niall shrugged.

"We can't just go on with the day when we're all so... enraged now!" Harry snapped. "I'm with Hazza on this one!" I added, raising a hand.

Josh sighed. "The anxiety would kill us."

"I agree, we really need to talk to her," Liam said, reasonabley. Zayn nodded. Niall huffed. "Fine. Let's get back to the tour bus, then," he muttered.

Haz quickly changed the gear shift to Drive and sped back to where the tour bus was parked; in a trailor park.


I swear, if it was Louis, her own boyfriend and bestfriend who planted the camera there, I will beat him so badly he'll be sneezing out of his belly button, and his nose will be where his penis is.

I mean, she only shares the suite with him, and none of the other boys went into their suite. They all had theirs and whenever they all went into one suite to eat dinner or something, it'd be in Haz and Josh's since theirs was the biggest.

Unless... there was some very perverted maid or bell boy or some other employee who put it there. I doubt it, but there's always that chance.

Reese is still very upset from this. She thinks the world hates her, which to be completely honest, I think most people do. I mean, for one thing, she's dating their idol/celebrity crush. And, that magazine article that came out a last week was accusing her of having something going on with Zayn. And now? Now they believe she posted naked pictures of herself to the internet.

I can't even imagine how... horrible she must feel right now. To top it all off, she has some freaky stalker chick after her. And right after she got back from being kidnapped, too! Not to mention the fact she got raped... god knows how many times!

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