CHAPTER 17 - Because we, are infinite.

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I woke up to feeling a sharp, pounding pain in my head. I groaned, my first hangover. How fun.

I heard a low chuckle and I, startled, looked to where the sound came from. Louis was standing beside our bed, since we were at a hotel. He had a hint of a smirk played on his lips and one eyebrow raised. "How's your first ever hangover, babe?" he asked me.

I groaned again, rubbing my forehead. "Horrible. How much did I drink last night?" I grumbled. "I think about... 8 shots of Vodka? Maybe more, maybe less. But it was sure enough to get you hammered," he laughed. I rubbed my temples with my fingers. It felt like the world was spinning rapidly.

"Lou, please don't make any loud noise," I mumbled. He looked at me apologetically and bit his lip. "Sorry, love. But... I'm glad I get to be the one to take care of you this morning," he winked. I smiled weakly at him.

"Hang on, two seconds," he muttered, and then walked over to the washroom. He came back with a container of tablets. "Here's some Advil," he smiled, simpathetically, handing me two pills and glass of water.

"Thank you," I sighed, gulping down the pills, along with the glass of water.

"So, what am I like when I'm drunk?" I asked, curiously. Louis stifled a laugh, looking clearly amused.

"You little missy, are a psyco drunk. It's entertaining, actually. I swear, you're worse than a drunk Niall, and that's saying a lot," he chuckled, shaking his head. I slapped myself in the face, jokingly. "Shit, really?" I asked, hoping he was joking.

He laughed again, "I'm serious."

I couldn't help but giggle at myself. I wish I could see myself drunk, if it's as amusing as he says.

"Now, I'll go make you some breakfast while you get dressed. We're meeting up with Tanner and Nathan today," he said, looking a little anxious. I raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Um.. Robert's godchildren... they helped us when you were kidnapped. They, uh, have a sister that we'd like you to... meet," he stammered.


"Since you didn't get to open your presents yesterday, because you were completely wasted, you're opening them now," Niall smiled. I grinned, "Aw, thanks, guys."

"ME FIRST!" Zayn hollered, handing me a gift bag. Smiling, I took out the pink tissue paper and pulled out what was inside. I gasped as I saw he had gotten me. "Oh. My. Gosh. Zayn, you did not!" I gushed in disbelief. He chuckled lowly. "Oh, but I did. Try them out," he grinned.

He had gotten me the new Steve Madden black troopa boots I had been obsessing over. Literally. I eye-raped them whenever I saw them in a shoe store and I drooled over the pictures whenever I saw them in a catalog (not literally).

Excitedly, I threw off my blue TOMS and pulled on the boots. Smiling widely, I engulfed Zayn into a huge hug. "Thank you, Zayn, thank you!" I squealed. He laughed, hugging me. "Your welcome. Happy belated birthday," he replied.

I took off my new boots and put them back inside the bag, and put my TOMS back on again. I don't want to wear them yet.

"Joshy's turn," Josh laughed, handing me a medium-sized box. Excitedly, I opened it up. Again, I gasped when I saw what Josh had bought me. Purple, white, and black Beats by Dre headphones! I've been dying for these for like, ages.

"AHHH! THANK YOU, JOSH! I LOVE THEM," I exclaimed, hugging him tightly. He laughed, "Your welcome. Glad you like 'em, babe."

"Me next," Liam smiled, handing me a small-sized, silver box with a bow on top. I smiled, taking it from him. I lifted the lid and my eyes met a beautiful pair of hoop, diamond earrings. "Oh my gosh, Liam, they're gorgeous! Thank you!" I gushed, pulling him into a hug as well. He smiled, "Glad you like them."

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