CHAPTER 14 - The Two Week Mark

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Cher left just yesterday night because her tourbreak is over, and she has to continue doing concerts and such. She was so sad to be leaving but it's not like she got a choice; it's her job.

Right now, we're in Los Angeles, California. The boys did their concert yesterday night and today we have a free day! Yippee! And guess what?

TOMORROW, I TURN EIGHTEEN! AHHHHH! THIS IS SO EXCITING FOR ME. My insides are just tingling and my heart is jumping from the excitement!

I skipped out of the bunk room and into the lounge, where all six boys were. It was really a pigsty living with SIX boys. Not one, not two, but SIX. I loved having Cher here because we could have girl time, but now that she's gone...

Don't get me wrong, I love the boys. But sometimes, they can be quite the handful...

"Good morning!" I chirped. "Morning," they all chorused, not taking their eyes away from the TV. Louis waved his hand, gesturing for me to come over to him. So I did.

I stood in front of him and he pulled me down onto his lap. I leaned back onto him and his chin was resting on my shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around me. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, huskily, into my ear. I giggled, "Morning, boo."

He kissed my cheek and then left it at that, for now.

A re-run of Doctor Who was on the telly.

"So, guys... WE HIT THE TWO WEEK MARK!" I exclaimed, startling everybody. Josh chuckled, "Yes, we are." A wide grin was on everybody's faces... except Zayn and Liam.

I know why Zayn's... down. His break-up with Perrie was still pretty recent and I didn't expect him to get over it easily. Maybe he just needs to find a new girl.

"Li Li... what's wrong?" I asked, quietly. Everybody's eyes travelled to the Wolverhampton boy, who sat with his head down and was fidgetting with his feet.

"D-Danielle and I... um.. w-we broke up," he said, choking on his own words. His brown eyes glistened with tears and he looked like he was about to break down any second now.

"WHAT?" everybody yelled, at the exact same time. "Y-Yeah, it was, er, pretty m-mutual," he muttered.

Everybody exchanged glances, not knowing what to say. Liam and Danielle... Danielle and Liam. They were the "it" couple, beating "Jelena" by a mile. Payzer, it was called. They were adored by many and everybody believed that they would grow up and get married, and have a beautiful family. But I guess sometimes, things don't go the way they were planned to.

But Payzer... I guess it's like the Titanic, if you really think about it. It's the ship nobody doubted. The ship nobody thought was breakable. But then, it sank. Just like that.

"Aw, Liam," I cooed, jumping off of my boyfriend's lap and rushing to hug the poor boy. He didn't fail to cling to my body as if it were dear life and sobbed into my shoulder. I knew he needed this right now. Without any physical contact, eye contact, or verbal contact, I knew this is what he needed. A friend.

Everybody rushed over to us and soon, we were group-hugging the boy. Even Zayn, and he was as bummed out as Liam.

"So, I guess only one One Direction lad is taken now," Josh mumbled, biting his lip. Right at that moment, Louis snaked an arm around my waist.

"Well, actually..." Harry started to say. Our eyes widened as we looked at my older brother in aw. He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

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