Chapter 1

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"Ken,you have to wake up right now. Mom won't drive us until you wake up." I heard a familiar voice say right next to me. A groan escaped my mouth as I stayed in place. "Go away, Kayla.I 'll be out in a second." I spoke. My eyes were still closed when I heard the sound of the door to my bedroom,which I share with Kayla, open then shut. I waited a minute before I opened up my eyes.

The room looked exactly how it looked the night before. All over my bed were different pieces of paper with little sketches over them and colored pencils scattered all over. Finally I tossed my legs over the end of my bed and got off of the hard mattress. Of course, I was the one who got the hard mattress. Right next to my bed was another bed slightly raised with two nice fluffy mattresses on the frame and a perfectly made bed spread on top.

That gives a good explanation over my life. I have what was cheap and decent but Kayla got the perfect expensive things. That is my whole bedroom. I get the smaller side which consists of my bed,small dresser,and an aqua bean bag. The walls of my side consisted of posters of Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, The Fray, The Script, Imagine Dragons, and Sleeping With Sirens. On the other side was a bed higher and wider than mine, a dresser, a desk, and a nice fluffy pink chair. The walls were a light shade of bubblegum pink and had a mirror with pictures of Kayla and Niall all over the edges.

As you can see, our tastes are very very different. Kayla goes out and hangs out with her clique as I sit at home and sketch while my headphones play the best varieties of music. Over the course of the past 4 years Kayla started off having a different boyfriend each 2 weeks but that stopped 2 years ago when Kayla started going out with Niall. For me, I have been single for the past 4 years and that will probably never change.

"Kendall! You aren't even dressed yet and we are leaving in like 2 minutes, hurry!" I heard Kayla call from downstairs. Getting back into reality, my feet ran to my dresser and my hands randomly pulled out a blue plaid button up shirt where the arms go up to the elbows, a pair of jean shorts, and a black tank top to go under the shirt. In the matter of about 45 seconds, I was fully clothed. I ran to the door and grabbed my black converse and schoolbag. "If you aren't down here in 30 seconds we aren't driving you to school!" Mom yelled. I rolled my eyes and left the room, and ran down the wooden steps.

"I'm ready." I confirmed as I walked into the kitchen. "I am already late for work. You guys are gonna either have to walk or get a ride. Remember to make dinner after school!" Mom ordered before running out the door. "Good job, Kendall." Kayla said sarcastically. She pulled out her white iPhone and started to type. My body just stood there silently. "Niall is driving us. He'll be here in like a minute so lock up the dogs and meet me outside." She ordered. Her skinny body left the room as mine went into the living room over to the dog cages. "Stella, Zeus, Brock goodnight!" I called. All three dogs ran into the living room and into their usual cages- Stella and Zeus in one and Brock in the other.

I heard a honk and the sound of Kayla calling me. Due to instinct, I ran outside as fast as I could and went over to the shiny black Escalade that belonged to Niall. Both Kayla and Niall were already inside waiting for me to enter.

Finally my hand grasped the handle of the back door and opened it, sliding me in, then shutting the door after. "Hi Ken." Niall said, pulling out of the driveway. Before I had time to respond, Kayla was already talking with him. I went into my bag and grabbed my phone and headphones, plugging them into my ears. The beautiful sound of Imagine Dragons filled my senses. My music taste is very, very, odd. One second I could be listening to Country, then punk, then pop. It is just all mumbled.

With some time to waste I decided to make my hair look at least presentable. Having Kayla with her perfectly curled hair, I have to at least make an impression. So for the rest of the car ride I did a simple loose french braid. I have never really noticed how far my house was from school. It has to be a good chunk of time if I am able to do a good braid in the amount of time it takes. Usually it takes a good 15 minutes to do a good braid for me.

Suddenly the school came into view. Niall simply turned into the parking lot and pulled into his signature parking space. He cut off the ignition and got out of his door. I did the same and watched as he walked all the way over to Kayla and waited until she was out so he could right away give her a sweet short kiss and intertwine their fingers. As always, it was super cute but I don't like to show my feelings on it.

I trailed behind them for a little until they stopped with their popular clique. That included the highest level of populars that consisted of Kayla, Niall, Louis Tomlinson, Eleanor Calder, Zayn Malik, Paris Wes, and last but not least, Harry Styles. He is probably the only one in the group that really interests me. Curly brown locks, piercing green eyes, and an amazing body. My eyes were always glued to his perfect features. That dimple smile,perfect white teeth,and that perfect jawline. My eyes flickered down to see his right large hand laced together with Paris' smaller left one. As usual.

A sad sigh escaped my mouth and I continued walking until I reached the inside of the building. My eyes scanned around the great hall looking for my two best friends. That is when I saw the girl who just happened to be my best friend leaving from talking with some random group of people. "KENDALL!" I heard her yell. She broke into a full sprint towards me and tackled me into a hug. "Nice to see you too, Logan." I giggled. Logan was probably one of the best people in my life. She has flowy blonde hair with orange died tips, baby blue eyes, and semi tan skin. I first met her when her brother, Tyler, started to date Kayla in 8th grade. They were dating for a good 3 years before Kayla called it off for no reason. Then the year after we met our other friend, Liam. Speaking of him, "Hi Li." I smiled as he stepped in front of us. "Hello." He smiled right back. "So what classes you guys have first period?" I asked.



"SAME oh my god."Logan gasped.

"I feel bad for him. Dealing with all of us at the same time must be rough." Liam laughed. "Yeah, and he also has a good amount of nerds so we really will be the only ones goofing off." Logan pointed out. "Well, we better get going." I suggested as the first bell of the day rang.

A/N:Hi guys :) Hopefully you liked the first chapter. The next chapter will be up soon and you guys can read it. Bye :) xx


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