Chapter 14

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"I was thinking maybe you and your sister could go on that school camping trip together, I think it'd be a fun educational experience for the both of you."

The sentence that came out of my mother's mouth made me want to gag myself to death, yet here I am, standing out front of the school with my duffle bag and pillow tucked under my arm. 

I personally thought the whole camping trip idea was absolutely horrendous, but I figured spending two days in the wilderness with my heart-broken best friend and  sex crazed sister would be quite interesting to sit in on. Or maybe it was the fact that it was forced by both of my parents that I attend. Yeah, that's the one.

Kayla was looking pampered as ever, her bag of makeup tight in her clutch with her hair straightener tied up in her carry on. It'll be fun watching her try to figure out how to plug it in and turn it on when we're out there. Her entire clique would be attending, which wasn't a shocker, as well as both Logan and Liam. 

Since Logan's little charade only three days ago, I have not yet been able to talk to Liam about his little Zayn situation, which I was purposely saving for this coming up trip. As for Logan, I have not stopped talking to her lately. There hasn't been one time in these few days where she had smiled, only a small smirk when her brother tripped down the stairs just two days ago. It honestly sucked seeing her so depressed all the time, but there was no reason to blame her at all. How else are you supposed to react when your best friend's sister's douche bag boyfriend takes your virginity at a meaningless house party? I wouldn't be a little ball of sunshine either.

It took all of my will power to not lunge at the irish boy as he stepped onto the school grounds with his bag slung over his muscular shoulder. 

"Hey Ken." my head turned, coming face to face with the victim herself. "Hey, how ya feelin'?" the question was casual, not trying to be over dramatic with the entire subject. The last thing she needs right now is to be bombarded by questions I already assume the answers to.

"M' doing good, I guess. Could be worse, I've been better."She shrugged, stuffing her hands into the front pocket of her gray hoodie. "Well that's nice to hear. Are you ready for this? I mean, you can still back out if you don't feel comfortable with going." I stated, earning a shake of the head from her. "I can handle it, Ken. I'm great at keeping my distance and ignoring people. Hell, I do it to Liam all the time." I let out a light laugh, internally rolling my eyes at Logan's usual witty joking. No matter what the situation, she will always be there to make anyone laugh with her dorky comments.

"Attention Students," All the heads turned to view the front of the bus, where the physical education teacher stood with his old bullhorn and white knee socks. "We all will be leaving shortly, so if you would please form a single file line and one by one load your luggage into the bus to your right." Every word that came from his mouth went completely down the drain as almost every student rushed up to the right bus, hauling their bags into the compartments supplied for storage. Logan and I stood behind and waited for the crowd to clear up, and that's when I saw her stiffen up from 'secretly' looking to the left of my face. I slowly rotated my gaze to where her eyes had been trained and a small sigh escaped from my dry lips. 

I don't know why I couldn't just figure it out myself but there it was, the 'happy' couple cuddled up into each other while they both snuck in a few loving kisses here and there. Niall looked as if there wasn't a care in the world, and as if he didn't cheat on my sister with an innocent friend of mine. Kayla seemed to be on cloud nine, clearly not analyzing what she had been doing for the past couple of weeks with her best friend's boyfriend. They both just made me sick, really.

"C'mon, Log..." I mumbled, placing my hand on her shoulder and guiding her to the bus on the right. After stacking both mine and Logan's bags on top of the stash of students' belongings, the crowd of campers began to increase to the point where you couldn't see anyone more than four feet away from you.

My eyes scanned around the area, ceasing when I saw the absolute unthinkable. Right in front of my eyes stood a lazy dressed Liam, smiling softly as he talked to the greek god in front of him. Stood directly ahead of him was the striking brunette with the tossed hair and emerald eyes. Harry and Liam were actually engaging in conversation, and both actually look happy while doing it.

My head really can't handle this right now.

Jesus take the wheel.

But to my surprise, Zayn was stood a far distance away, his arms slung over the shoulders of two different blonde teenage girls. The entire situation really messed me up in the head, and I honestly feel as if I am back at square one with those two. Who knew two guys could be so damn confusing?

"We will now form a single file line from the front of the bus and back, and I will check off your name as you enter. Understood?" Coach hollered, earning himself some subtle nods and rolled eyes. Logan and I moved with the crowd, standing one in front of the other so we could start boarding the bus to the great outdoors.

"Get ready for the camping trip sent from hell, Kendall Carney."

A/N: yeah

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