Chapter 2

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I sat patiently at my desk waiting for the arrival of Mr.Green. Being the smart guy he is, he put me, Logan, and Liam on all opposite sides of the small classroom.

Nice move, Green, nice.

He has been gone for the past 10 minutes because he said he forgot to take care of some 'buisness'. That is most likely code for right now he is probably in the teachers lounge making out with Ms.Paisley. Just the thought of it make me shudder.

I felt something hit my shoulder. My head turned to see a crumpled up piece of paper resting on the floor. I lent down and picked it up. Uncrumbling it, The words were starting to show.

I have a feeling Green is getting a little bit of lip lock action ;) Do you think there is some tongue going on also? ew. ew. ew. I don't want to think about that never mind. But anyway, my parents are going out tonight to go to some comedy club and aren't coming home until the morning so maybe we could do something together? If ya know what I mean ;) DON'T WORRY, I'M KIDDING FOR CHRIST SAKE. I was thinking we could maybe go to the football game tonight. A certain somebody might be there ;) *cough* Curly *cough*. Then maybe after we could have a sleep over? Text me babes 

xxLogie-Bear :)


I chuckled slightly after reading the 'heart felt' words of Logan Gionfriddo. As you could tell in the letter, Logan knows about my little... fantasy. Around 3 years ago when Kayla started hanging out with the new clique, I started getting 'interested' in somebody. Of course, Logan and Laim are the only ones who know. If Kayla or anybody from her clique found out my whole social life would be even less populated as it is now.

But of course,last year a new girl came to the school and became popular just like that. She is otherwise known as the one and only, Paris Wes. She came all the way from a small town in Ireland. She was this small petite girl with long silky brown hair, brown eyes, and a friendly smile. There is no question why a boy would not have eyes for her.

She has this nice innocent look to her. About after a week of her being here she was included into the popular clique. Kayla is constantly hanging out with her on the weekends- when she is not busy with Niall of course. Kayla, Paris, and Eleanor are like the dream best friends. All 3 of them are on the cheerleading team rooting for their football (soccer) playing boyfriends. Surprisingly, they aren't as you see in movies. The cheerleaders- well the majority of them- are actually really nice people. They aren't the snobby rich kids who think they are better than everybody else. Once again, that is the majority.

Back to Paris. She was in the clique about 1 month before she started to date Harry. Just like Kayla and Niall, they are so cute that it makes you sick. They always hold hands, she cuddles into his side, she sits on his lap, they share cute kisses before they leave anywhere, and he treats her like a freaking princess.

I have only met Paris about 4 times and I can tell she is just one of the nicest people ever. She doesn't let the popularity get her her head. None of the 1st level populars do.

Then you have the second level populars. That group includes the sluts and the dicks. Otherwise known as Molly Dunn and Tyler Gionfriddo, Logan's brother, and their little clique. They are the other fraction of the football and cheer teams. They walk around and flaunt themselves to the whole school. The whole clique has ruined Logan's life basically.

Last summer, Logan had this massive crush on this kid named Dennis. One day she finally got the nerve to talk to him and they started getting along really well. That is until Tyler and the rest of his guy friends decided to treat her like shit and shared all of these rumours- which were not true- with Dennis. For example, Tyler lied and said that every single weekend Logan has a new one night stand at the house and she sleeps with anything that has a dick. Also, he said that she has a night job on saturdays at the local prostitute company and she is in charge of the full on 'expirience' with guys. He claimed "That includes the blowjobs, hand jobs, threesomes, rough sex, and dry sex." Tyler also lied to Dennis saying that Logan has a few 'films' posted on PornHub. Lucky- well sort of- for Logan, Dennis moved months later and they haven't had contact ever since.

I honestly have no idea what Kayla saw in such a douche like him.

"Sorry I'm late, students. The copy machine in the teachers lounge was jammed." Mr.Green said as he came into the classroom. You could see his messed up hair and top button of his shirt undone. 

Oh he had some fun, I thought.

Right after he said that Logan and I shared a grossed out glance. That is when Liam made the whole classes attention come to him. "Was the copy machine going at a rough pace or was it going too slow for your liking?" He asked as if it was a normal question. Both me and Logan tried holding in our laughs.

Bravo, Liam. Bravo.

"Well I guess you could say it was going faster than usual." Mr.Green said 100% serious. Automadically I opened my book and shoved my face in it to hide my laughing from Mr. Green. That was just plain gross, but hilarious at the same time.

My face was hidden for a good five minutes before something really caught my attention.

The door to the classroom opened up and somebody stepped in. Then Mr.Green's voice triggered me to looked up at the sight. "Oh hello,Kayla! It is great seeing you!"

A/N:Sorry it is so short!Please comment/add/favorite.Thank you!



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