Chapter Two-High Queen Susan the Gentle, Shipping Frazel and Reed Pipes

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The PJO and HoO characters belong to Rick Riordan, as does the series.

The Land of Stories belongs to Chris Colfer.

All HP-related things (such as Dementors and Azkaban) belong to J.K. Rowling, as do her books.

Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer (who can keep it).

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To the Land of Stories: A Story of the PJ Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant Characters

libraryhaunter was the first one inside. As the fangirls walked in, they found themselves being sucked into the void, turned upside down and shaken. Clinging to their books and electronics, they toppled out onto a patch of grass. There they found a surprising sight: Frank chilling by the trees, where he was chatting with animals while practicing archery with High Queen Susan the Gentle and Goldilocks.

"So we don't need to battle?" that_awesome_cahill asked, slightly disappointed, as she lowered her celestial bronze dagger.

"It's probably a trap," Sparr0w1234 warned, tightening her hold on her hardcover.

"I am not taking any chances," BrokenTimeTurner agreed, still clutching her blue plastic hairbrush, which was inspired by Rachel's own who was not a jealous (*insert cuss word here*) but an awesome artistic Oracle.

High Queen Susan was the first to spot the fangirls. She immediately dropped her bow and ran in the other direction. Goldilocks saw what she did and took out her fearsome porridge ladle. Frank, turning around, noticed the fangirls in his company last.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Goldilocks called out, brandishing her ladle.

"Nothing to do with you," Chilea told her. "Now, why don't you run along and break into some more bears' cottages?"

Goldlilocks stared at her, and she realised that wouldn't work. Changing tactics, Chilea pointed into the distance.

"I've got superhero enhanced vision, and, because I'm such a nice, friendly person, I'll tell you that the poor, nice, fuzzy bears are chasing you for stealing their porridge and breaking their chairs and all the other stuff you did to them. They're gaining in on you, too," she added.

At that, Goldilocks heroically trembled, dropped her ladle, raced off, came back, picked it up and raced off again.

"Get away from me, crazy people!" Frank shouted, in response to libraryhaunter reaching out to kidnap him (for his own good, noted, but the poor boy couldn't have known that right then).

"Hey, we may be crazy, but we are here to rescue you," libraryhaunter reassured him.

Frank looked suspiciously at her. "I don't trust you."

"We'll take you back to Hazel," she promised, knowing that Frazel and its faithful shippers were on the line.

At that Frank agreed, albeit somewhat reluctantly. "Okay. But, do you even have a way to get us out of here?"

libraryhaunter frowned. "What do you mean?"

"It's gone," a fangirl noted, her sonic screwdriver turning on and off from her nervous twitching.

To the Land of Stories: A Story of the Percy Jackson Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant CharactersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz