Chapter Five-Monster Donuts, Threats and a Hellhound Called Fido

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The PJO and HoO characters belong to Rick Riordan, as does the series.

The Land of Stories belongs to Chris Colfer.

All HP-related things (such as Dementors and Azkaban) belong to J.K. Rowling, as do her books.

Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer (who can keep it).

Written by:







To the Land of Stories: A Story of the PJ Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant Characters.

The forest was swarmed with fangirls and Clarisse, who was pretty consistent of the idea of coming along. They delved deeper into the heart of the woods, following the daughter of Ares.

"We're almost there," said Clarisse.

The fangirls exchanged glances. Should they really be trusting Clarisse?

They didn't have time to discuss it because right then, they ran into their first group of monsters.

The fangirls ran forward, holding their respective weapons aloft. For a while, it was a fair fight... before someone accidentally cut off all of a hydra's heads. Everyone watched in horror as more heads grew back.

"Oh, schist," BrokenTimeTurner muttered under her breath. She threw her hairbrush aside and grabbed a spear instead. This was getting real.

Everyone continued to fight their hardest, trying to find a monster to capture. But the thing was, all the monsters together were too dangerous to attempt to fight. Another wave came circling the fangirls, leaving them almost completely surrounded.

"WE CAN'T DEFEAT ALL OF THEM AT ONCE!" libraryhaunter announced.

Clarisse stared at her, obviously annoyed.


She screamed in fury, her spear Maimer in hand. She stabbed and lunged, leaving all the monsters in her way in crumbles of golden dust. The fangirls followed in her lead, killing monsters as quickly as possible. libraryhaunter and Sparr0w1234 held their bows and started shooting down three monsters at a time, each.

The daughters of Demeter and Ceres caught on as well. Using their powers, they made a makeshift cage out of vines around a hellhound.

"Faster!" Chilea told her siblings. "It'll have to be stronger, so the hellhound doesn't escape!"

They finally finished the cage, leaving the hellhound dumbfounded and angry.

"Why didn't you kill it?" Clarisse asked, finishing off the last dracaena.

"Wouldn't that defeat the point?" libraryhaunter asked.

Clarisse mumbled something under her breath inaudible to the fangirls. But the Hedge fangirl by her side gave a loud laugh, earning her more strange looks from the others.

"Alright," said libraryhaunter. "Now one of you needs to figure out how we're going to get this monster to track the cliché authors."

AmAeRaI coughed between, after, and before words.


"Too... let's say, complicated," Clarisse said before turning to the monster, loosely holding Maimer. "Yo, Monster! Do you want to get sent back to Tartarus the hard way?"

The hellhound looked up and snarled at her.

"Clarisse, don't threaten it!" The__Crazy_Girl scolded.

"Well, what else is she going to do? It's a hellhound! No offense to Mrs O'Leary, but they're not really compromising creatures."  BrokenTimeTurner crossed her arms.

"Well, it hasn't met me yet," The__Crazy_Girl told her, before going back to the hellhound. "So, uh- let's call you Fido; Fido, do you like being constantly ignored and harassed by the cliché authors?"

'Fido' did something that surprised most of the other fangirls. He shook his head, no.

The__Crazy_Girl smiled before continuing, "Don't you want to get revenge on them?"

Fido nodded and growled enthusiastically.

"Then, can you help us find them? We'll put things right for you and make sure the clichés won't harm you again!"

"I cannot believe that you just did that," Clarisse said, open mouthed.

"Me either," The__Crazy-Girl shook her head. She looked up again quickly when she heard a large roar which happened to be the hellhound barking.

"Uh-how are we supposed to understand-"

"That means 'give me five minutes'," Grover translated. He had apparently caught on that something was going on in the woods and had come up behind the fangirls.

Five minutes later, the hellhound barked once more, leaving Grover looking skeptical.

"What's wrong?" -Nut_the_stars- asked.

Grover looked up at the group, "He says they're back in the Land of Stories. The exact location is complicated, but I could map it for you."

Everyone groaned. They had just escaped from there and now they had to go back.

"Come on!" libraryhaunter said. "They'll be asleep because of Grover's song, won't they?"

"That only lasts a few hours," Grover informed her. "It won't be long before they wake up."

Everyone groaned again.

"Well..I guess we'd better get going to the mansion," Sparr0w1234 said glumly.

"Who do you mean by 'we'?" Clarisse inquired suspiciously.

Sparr0w1234 looked at her.

"I know you want to come, but.." She looked at her fellow fangirls. "This one is our battle."

Clarisse grumbled disappointedly but didn't insist on coming. After freeing Fido, who turned out to be a gentle boy after all, and who @The__Crazy_Girl promised she would visit with Mrs O'Leary, the little procession turned and made their way back to the pavilion.

They gave the news to Chiron and the campers, who all wanted to come and personally fight the cliché authors and all at their disposal.

Chiron banged his hoof against the ground for silence.

"You are right," he told the fangirls. "This is your battle. But we will have demigods at your disposal should you need reinforcements in the battle. I wish for that much to be clear."

"Thank you," AmAeRaI said. "We'll keep that in mind."

They went to the armoury, to stock up on the weapons that CHB had to offer but they knew that what really saved them would be their own weapons.

Then they left camp and started the short trip to the mansion.

To the Land of Stories: A Story of the Percy Jackson Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant CharactersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora