Chapter Three-Diplomats, the Knight Bus and Canon Facts

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The PJO and HoO characters belong to Rick Riordan, as does the series.

The Land of Stories belongs to Chris Colfer.

All HP-related things (such as Dementors and Azkaban) belong to J.K. Rowling, as do her books.

Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer (who can keep it).

Written by:


To the Land of Stories: A Story of the PJ Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant Characters

The fangirls looked impressed as the reed pipes appeared in front her.

"What have I got myself into?" she asked wearily as she picked them up.

"Aha!" cried Sparr0w1234 suddenly, unaware of what had just happened. "I tracked him down. I know where he is-follow me!"

The fangirls looked at each other, shrugged and did so. She led the group (Frank included) right into the trees. They walked under the green treetops, the sunlight slanting down on them, down the winding, fairy tale path which led into the heart of the woods.

"I hope she knows where she's going," The__Crazy_Girl muttered under her breath, only to be heard by the Hedge fangirl who giggled wildly.

"There he is!" Sparr0w1234 finally announced, pointing at a gangly teen who was sitting leaning against a tree trunk, looking up at the sky.

"Awesome!" said The__Crazy_Girl. "So, I think we need a diplomat first. So we don't scare him away."

Grover still hadn't seen them, thankfully. He kept trying to stand up, but nervousness caused him to be imbalanced.

"Ugh." AmAeRaI facepalmed. "The after effects of OOCness. We'll have to wait for him to be more canon."

She earned weird looks from the others.

"What?! I study, okay?" AmAeRaI confessed. "Deal with it."

"So who'll be our diplomat?" BrokenTimeTurner asked. 

"Good. You volunteered,"AmAeRaI informed her, punching her arm. "Good luck."

"Wha-what?!" She was shoved over by the others, catching Grover's attention.

The other fangirls gave her thumbs ups and encouraging smiles. A few had cameras on record, ready to catch the moment.

"Who the Hades are you?" The satyr asked, looking startled.

"I'm a friend," BrokenTimeTurner answered, shooting annoyed looks at the other fangirls.

"I've never seen you here before."

"That's because we just arrived here. And we're also trapped. We-" she gestured at the fangirls-"hate the clichés, OOCness, and Mary Sues. Especially Mary Sues. And we need your help."

The other fangirls nodded and scowled at that. Grover nodded. "How can I help you? But, first, how can I believe you?"

"OI! Do you have any other choices?!" A fangirl shouted at him. "I don't see a Knight Bus or Gray Sisters' Taxi anywhere!"

"We have the reed pipes that we planned to use to put the cliché authors that trapped us here to sleep-but we need your help with that. None of us know how to play a song like that. Can you please help us?" She pleaded, gesturing libraryhaunter closer and letting Grover see the reed pipes she held.

"Okay, I'll help..." Grover said. "But where is everyone else? I can't find them anywhere. I've been looking for my girlfriend, Juniper. And I most definitely won't leave her."

Some people looked confused at that. They saw many of the canon characters together, so it wasn't hard to imagine why.

"Because," AmAeRaI, their visible encyclopedia, said, "It makes him more canon. Jeez, guys, do your homework."

She earned some shoves, but also some nods at the explanation.

"They're... somewhere here, but unless you help, they won't be safe," BrokenTimeTurner said to Grover.

He gulped.

"Okay, then. I'm in." He got up, with some difficulty, brushing the leaves off of his pants. Everyone cheered enthusiastically, relieved.

"Do you know where the cliché authors are?" Grover asked Frank.

Everyone stared at the son of Mars, who shifted uncomfortably. " They're usually not in the Land of Stories anyway. They don't live in the mansion, either. That would be too obvious. They would've been attacked long ago. They usually only visit the place with 'irrelevant' characters, although they do occasionally come to make sure everything's going as it's supposed to."

"Well, I guess I could play a song that lulls them to sleep anyway," Grover said doubtfully. "But it'll be harder without their location."

AmAeRal looked as if she was thinking hard. Then she suddenly started to talk.

"The Stolls aren't twins! There's a rule against sitting at someone else's table in the pavilion! There's a rule against two people of the opposite gender who aren't siblings being in a cabin alone! Only healthy food like barbecue and grapes can be eaten in the dining hall!"

As the fangirls realised what she was doing, they too started to do this. As they spewed more and more canon facts, the color returned to both Frank and Grover's faces.

"Okay," he said finally. "Give me the reed pipes."

libraryhaunter handed them to him and everyone watched as the satyr, looking nervous but determined, raised them to his mouth and began to play a song. It was a wordless melody but it felt like hot chocolate and warm blankets and a silver moon slipping behind clouds and comfortable yawns and drowsy eyelids gently closing. When it was over, a great sigh rushed through the Land of Stories.

Grover seemed to be calculating something.

"They should fall asleep fully in"

To the Land of Stories: A Story of the Percy Jackson Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now