Chapter Four-A Growing Satyr, Reunions and Ruining the Party Mode

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The PJO and HoO characters belong to Rick Riordan, as does the series.

The Land of Stories belongs to Chris Colfer.

All HP-related things (such as Dementors and Azkaban) belong to J.K. Rowling, as do her books.

Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer (who can keep it).

Written by:


To the Land of Stories: A Story of the PJ Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant Characters

"Blast off!" libraryhaunter interceded.

Everyone stared at her and she blushed.

"Um... it's in effect now," Grover said.

Just then, something huge and black and swirling appeared behind the fangirls. There was the black Void, again. Now that the people who had closed it were asleep, it was in full working order.

libraryhaunter cupped her hands around her mouth and screamed, "THE VOID IS BACK! EVERYONE WHO'S BEEN TRAPPED HERE BY THE CLICHÉ AUTHORS CAN ESCAPE! HURRY BEFORE IT CLOSES!"

There was a thundering sound of footsteps. Echoing in the distance at first, then, from all directions, gradually drawing nearer and nearer. A whole crowd of 'irrelevant' characters appeared, Coach Hedge at the head.

"Hey, Coach Hedge!" the Hedge fangirl said. "What are you doing here?"

"Once I got tired of screaming 'DIEEEEEEEEE.' and nothing but that, the cliché authors pushed me in here," he explained grumpily. "Cupcakes, this is no place for a growing satyr! Right, Chuck? He misses camp! Not to mention those two cupcakes, Will and Clarisse. And Mellie's been pining after it, too." He put his arm around a pretty nymph, obviously Mellie, who was holding a squalling baby.

"Well, you can come with us now. Back to Camp! And then we can get rid of those cliché authors one and for all!" libraryhaunter assured him.

At these words everybody cheered, even Frank. And, when they all had stopped cheering they hurried inside the Black Void, and back to the real world.

After a short travel, they arrived at Camp Half-Blood where they were greeted by a wave of campers.

"Grover!" someone shouted (probably Percy).

"Frank!" Hazel shouted, who had paid a visit to Camp Half-Blood to see her brother and get help to find him.

Then the nymphs came. "Juniper! Mellie!" They screamed, and soon the two disappeared in a crowd of other nymphs.

At the word Chuck, a lot of campers hurried over to 'their' baby.

"Tyson! Ella!" Percy shouted, hugging his half-brother and smiling at the harpy, who'd been hiding at the back of the crowd.

And, then, after a lot of reunions, a feast began. Chiron started it all with a short speech.

"These demigods and a hunter of Artemis have rescued our friends! A highly successful quest even though I wasn't informed of it." He surveyed the fangirls sternly."However, I suppose demigods will be demigods, so now let us feast!"

But then The__Crazy_Girl stood up. "Eh, sorry to ruin the party mode, but the cliché authors are still out there. We need to stop them while they're still asleep. All we need is their location."

"Well, they're almost all on Wattpad, so all we need is a monster to track them down," libraryhaunter pointed out. "They can track technology, remember?"

"Mrs. O'Leary can help," Percy offered.

The fangirls exchanged looks. None of them wanted to risk harming the sweet dog.

"Eh, no thanks. We could just capture a monster, then we can be sure no one will get hurt," libraryhaunter decided.

There was a short silence. Then Clarisse stood up.

"Well, let's get a move on then. The woods are full of monsters. Come on!"

She started to walk off, leaving everyone staring after her open-mouthed. Then the fangirls exchanged quick glances, and nodded. They got up and followed her.

To the Land of Stories: A Story of the Percy Jackson Fandom, Cliché Fanfic Authors and Apparently Irrelevant CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now