Toy Story 3 Is An Allegory For The Holocaust

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The Theory:

According to film critic Jordan Hoffman, Toy Story 3 is totally about the Holocaust. Then again, in the same article he goes on to make a case for the movie being Marxist propaganda, an existentialist film, and a metaphor for various world religions, so maybe he wasn't being completely serious there. The Holocaust theory is the one that caught the attention of the Internet, though, because of the surprising number of parallels between this lighthearted story about talking toys and one of humanity's greatest tragedies.

Why It's Not That Crazy:

Let's look at the plot: It starts when the Jewish people (represented by the toys) are left behind by their host nations at the onset of World War II (represented by Andy going off to get high and score in college). At this point the toys' leader, Woody, suggests hiding in the attic, Anne Frank style, but they get caught and shipped off to Sunnyside Daycare -- you know, a place where their kind is "concentrated" and routinely mistreated (only by little children instead of Nazis).

The abusive toys who live in Sunnyside are the movie's version of the Jewish police who helped push their fellow Jews into trains for Auschwitz. Because of them, the main characters end up on a conveyor belt ... headed straight for the incinerator.

Holy shit, Pixar. There's even a sad scene where the toys grab hands and accept their fate.

And then, of course, they get saved by toy aliens, who obviously stand for the Allies. The protagonists eventually relocate to a new place where "many of their kind already live and have an established foothold" (Israel/a little girl's house). So there you go: The next time someone tells you they heard an awesome theory about the identity of Andy's mom, you can tell them, "Oh, I know. She's the Gestapo who sent the toys away."

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