Chapter 1

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(Sequel to Riaura)
9 years later!
Laura's POV
It's been 9 years since I left California. An 9 years since I had my little baby girl. I named her Rylex Antonia Lynch. I never told her who her father is, only that he likes blue, plays bass and has blonde hair. She looks so much like him, she looks nothing like me. She's incredibly talented. She's an amazing singer and actress! She's formed a band called Rising Angels but a lot of people call them RA. I find it funny because of R5. And did I mention she absolutely LOVES R5? Yeah well she does. She's always watching R5 TV and listening to them. When we're in the car she blares their music and sings and dances. It's so funny, she's started making videos of her life and posting them on YouTube like R5. But she calls it Rising Angels Life. She's received many tweets from fans saying she would be better as a solo singer. Her record label has told her that as well. But she doesn't listen, we moved back to California 5 years ago and we haven't ran into R5 yet and I'm thankful for that.

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