Chapter 11

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Riker's POV

the next morning when i wake up i look over at my little girl, i can see the dark bruises on her face and arms as she cuddles deeper into my chest. Instead of waking her up i just go back to sleep and let her rest longer, i'm so pissed off at Laura for letting that bastard do that to our little girl. I've decided that im going to go get full custody of Lex when we get up. Since shes going shopping with Rydel that would be the perfect time to go do it so she wont ask where im going. And after i get that done i have to go to the police station to find out how long Laura and Michael will be locked up. Michael deserves to die for doing that to my babygirl, but ill worry about that later. I eventually fall back asleep for a few hours until i hear Delly trying to wake us up. I slowly open my eyes "what is it Dell?" i ask tiredly but I whisper so I don't wake up Lex. She smiles down at us and whispers back "I came to get Lexie ready for shopping, she can sleep alittle longer while I get out something for her to wear though" I nod and let my little girl cuddle into my chest as long as she wants to. After 30 minutes I wake up Lex and she rubs her eyes and I kiss her forehead then she gets up and goes to dellys room to get ready. I get up and change into jeans and a t-shirt, I slip on my converses and put my sunglasses on my head. Lex comes out in her 'girly Riker' t-shirt and shorts with blue converse, then her and Dell leave and I leave about 10 minutes after them. I hope everything goes as I plan today

-hey guys! Sorry it's taken me so long! Here you go and I'll try to update the next one as soon as possible! Thanks so yalls support! Y'all are the best!❤️

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