Chapter 7

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-flashback to Laura's convo with R5
Laura's POV
When Ry was getting ready I had to go and talk to some people. I was wondering who they were so I walked out and as soon as I saw who it was I froze. The only thing I could think of while looking at R5 and Stormie was 'crap!!' I sigh and walk over to them "uh hi guys" I say biting my lip. Riker and Ross cross their arms "Laura, why didn't you tell us about Rylex?" Stormie asks. I sigh "R5 was taking off and I didn't want to be the reason you guys broke up" Rydel shakes her head and says "Laura, you and Rylex would have come with us on the road. We would have helped you and Riker with her" Riker looks at me "Laur why wouldn't you tell me you were pregnant?" I sigh and shrug "I don't know Rike, I was scared" then when I get finished I hear Ry's dressing room open. I look back as she walks out, she looks at me but looks away as she goes to the stage side. I sigh "she's mad at me right now" Del looks confused "whys she mad?" I look back at Del as Rike stares at our daughter "I didn't tell her Riker was her dad, I didn't want her to say anything because I knew you guys wouldn't believe it. She never questioned her last name, until this morning when I told her what Rike is like. Do you guys want to go watch?" They all nod and we go to stage side and watch Ry as she sings her heart out. I look over at Riker and he's smiling at Ry. I smile and say "why don't you guys come over tomorrow so we can catch up and you can get to know Ry?" They look at Stormie and she smiles "that's a great idea Laur"

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