Chapter 2

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Rylex's POV
At 7am
Ug I don't want to be up right now!! But me, mom and my band are going to the beach before we go to the studio. Right now moms knocking on my door telling me to get up and get ready.
"I'm up mom!!" I yell to her
"Good now hurry up! The girls are here!" She yells back while going down stairs
I groan and get up. I walk over to my HUGE walk-in closet, I go to my dresser that has my swim suits in it. I grab a light blue bikini top and some light blue board shorts. I don't like wearing the bikini bottoms, neither does anyone in my band. Call us tomboys but oh well, there's only one actual girly-girl in the band and that's Ashley but she wears the board shorts to. I get changed and throw on my black 'girly Riker' shirt that has the R5 symbol on the front and the 'girly Riker' part is on the back in blue. (I made that shirt up) I go to my bathroom and put my water proof contacts in and I put my glasses in their case.
When I walk downstairs I see my band (Ashley, Anna, Kelly, Marie) in the same swim suit as mine but in their favorite colors (Marie-light green, Anna-dark green, Kelly-yellow, Ashley-pink) yes we have to same favorite colors as R5. But they inspired us to be a band. They inspired me to start singing when I was little. After the 5 of us eat breakfast we go out to the car and get in. Mom driving and I'm in the passager seat. I put in R5's old CD and I blare Heart Made Up On You and we all start singing at the top of our lungs. People laugh at us because they know how me are from our YouTube channel videos.
-30mins later at the beach

All of us jump out of the car and get our stuff while my mom gets her stuff and the radio that we always bring. We find a spot away from everyone even though there's not a lot of people here to begin with. We set up our chairs and take off out sunglasses (in their favorite colors) and we see some people staring at us because of our shirts. We shrug it off and I sit in my chair and grab my songbook and a pen, while the others throw a football or tan (mainly Ashley) I start working on a new song (if only by Dove Cameron) but no matter how I write it it wouldn't sound good with more than one singer. After 30 minutes I give up and put my book away and get up and walk along the water so it only touches my feet. I start humming a tune to myself when I bump into a girl (Rydel) "oh I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I say quickly
She giggles "its okay sweetheart" I couldn't tell who she was because she had a hat and sunglasses on. I almost say something when the girls yell
"LEX! Come on the waves are perfect for surfing!" I smile at the girl and say a quick bye before running back to my band and grabbing my board. We all run out and start paddling to the waves. I go out pretty far where the big ones are and I see I'm not the only one that likes big waves. I see a few guys out on their boards, I see a really big one forming so I turn my board and start paddling in and when it gets to me I push myself up and start doing cool tricks. I hear the girls yelling
"Lex be careful!! You're crazy!!"
I laugh to myself and when the wave goes away I somehow slip off my board. I go under and struggle to get back to the surface, when I do I see my band around me asking if I'm okay.
"Guys I'm fine chill" I laugh and we paddle in to the shore, when we get out of the water I see the group from earlier staring at me. I shake my hair out and go up to the chairs. And we start playing football, after doing that for an hour or two we have to leave. When we're walking to the car the group is still staring at me.

I turn to my mom
"Mom do you know them? They keep staring at me, its getting creepy"
She looks at them and her eyes widen "just get in the car, we're late"
I don't argue and I just get in the car and we drive to the studio

-At the Studio
When we walk in the lable only sees me "Rylex! I see you finally took our advice and became a solo artist!" Then my band walks in and they look at me "wait what Rylex?! They want you to be a solo!" I sigh "yes, people think I should be a solo artist, we'll talk later" and with that I just walk away and start talking to the producer.

-later at the house
We walk in and the girls start yelling at me
"Why didn't you tell us!?"
I turn to them getting pissed "because I knew this is how you would react!"
Then after 10 minutes of us fighting Ashley yells "then maybe you should be a solo artist! And we'll continue to be Riding Angels!"
I roll my eyes "and who will you find to be your lead singer and bassist?!" I smirk
They groan and leave knowing I'm right.
I sigh and sit on the couch and grab my phone and tweet "I'm a solo artist now guys! Goodbye Rising Angels! Have fun with no lead singer or bassist" I press send and put my phone down.

-Laura's POV
Well I can't believe my baby is a solo artist now. But I knew it would happen sooner or later. Then a few minutes of her watching re-runs of Austin & Ally the phone rings. I get up and pick it up
"Hello?" I say
"Hi is Rylex there?" A female voice says. And me being a protective mom I say
"That depends on who's calling" the lady laughs
"Hello Laura, its Ellen. I saw Rylex's tweet about being a solo artist and I want her to be on my show the day after tomorrow" I ask Lex and she yells
"Yes yes omg yes!" I laugh and so does Ellen and I hang up and Lex goes to bed after staying up for 3 hours working on the song (Dove Cameron or Selena Gomez don't exist in my story so their songs will be Rylex's songs) then she goes to sleep

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