Chapter 2: The Mail Is Here

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Lucy P.O.V

I took his hand with a flushed face. "I'm sorry about this morning..."

"No problem. I know you had to get to work." He helped me up like a prince, smiling at me with a laugh as genuine as his smile.

He seems like a nice guy...

Suddenly, the writer within me took over, and I had to use his genuine smile for my own work. So I stared at his smile, trying to memorize its perfection for my own character. That's what I've been missing! A genuine smile for my male lead!

I scanned his face, over and over again, forgetting about basic common sense as I looked him over.

"Uh...Miss? You okay...?" he asked awkwardly.

"Yeah yeah...can you smile again for me really quickly?" I reached into my bag, taking out my emergency note pad and a pen. I began to sketch his expression, excited to use it for my own characters.

This is going to look so good on Takashi! It's exactly what I was looking for!

While sketching away, I felt a hand land on my shoulder. "Lucy... you're being a creeper," whispered Levy into my ear.

"Just give me a few more seconds--done!" I stared at my drawing in content. My readers are gonna go crazy over this smile in the next update!

I was still caught up in my work when I felt Levy push me aside to handle the situation. "Sorry about that, Mr...?"

He stretched out his hand towards Levy: "Natsu Dragneel, Mailman."

She took his hand and smiled back, "Levy McGarden, Lawyer. And this crazy lady that was drawing your face just now is a mangaka."

"Oooh, so you're a writer," he praised while looking over my shoulder to see the drawing, "...and a heck of an artist!"

I blushed in embarrassment, stuffing the notepad back in my purse. "Sorry Natsu-san, I tend to really get into what I do..." I mumbled. And that's probably why my life has become such a mess...

"Well, it seems you guys should get some talking done," Levy stated with a mischievous smile, "I'll let you guys be." She then elbowed me on the arm and whispered, "This is your chance to talk to a guy! Good luck~"

My face flushed pink as she walked away. Levy! Don't leave me!

I looked back at my mailman in fear. Ahhh I haven't talked to a guy outside of work in the last four years or so! Ugh, real guys are different from my 2D characters. How do I even socialize anymore?!

My head was spinning from the insane amount of overthinking I had begun to do.

"Uh, are you okay?" he asked while looking at me closely.

His face was close to mine, invading my personal space and making me blush a light shade of pink in nervousness. He's way too close! I need to figure out a way to get away from him.

"Ah yes! Of course, I'm fine! I just uh...I uh...I have somewhere important to be right now!" I stuttered.

He looked at his watch and gasped. "Me too! Alright, maybe we can see each other later!" He gave me one last smile and a wave, "See you later, writer-san!"

Writer-san? I guess I never told him my name...Eh, it's not like I'm going to see him again unless I'm late for work again.

I shrugged my shoulders and headed back home to begin the draft for my upcoming chapter.


I woke up the next day with a loud gasp. I had dreamt about being late to my job again, and the fear of having Jellal put me in a chokehold to obtain my drafts sent fear to my very soul.

The Writer & The Mailman (Nalu AU) ✔Where stories live. Discover now