Kaio Shuzozaki

20 1 0


Blood: A

School:Musahigawa Girls Middle School

Heigh:(I dunno short?)


Likes:Plushies,Cakes,his teddy bear.

Dislikes:Water,being alone,mean people.



Kaio is a boy below average height.He has crimson red hair with golden eyes. Kaio is unusual he is a Neko and often bullied because of his ears and tail. Kaio ran away from his orphanage and lived life on the streets.

Kaio is Genetically Engineered making him a good fighter. He realizes his ability at 13 and seeks revenge.

In the past he met a girl named Jacquelyn and likes to act like a cat around her.

Though a neko and genetically engineered he's still able to reproduce.

His teddy bear is a golden freddy plushie.

He turns down Jacquelyn when she asks him for something (not saying what)

Due to his girly appearance to some he sometimes will act like a girl.

He has cheated death and was in a 7-8 year coma buried and digging his way o

Kaio met a girl named Jacquelyn,he loved her but became...abit addictied to her more...sexually.
He has done bad things like do stuff with another girl. He's trying to break this addiction by meeting friends. He's young and dumb.

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